Chapter 2 - Canadian Legal System Flashcards
What is law?
the body of rules made by govt that can be enforced by the courts or by other govt agencies
categories of law
substantive, procedural, public, private law
substantive law
the rights and rules that govern behaviour and set limits on conduct
procedural law
determines how substantive laws will be enforced
public law
includes constitutional law and determines how the country is governed and regulates our relationship with govt
private law
governs personal, social and business relationships
Stare decisis
a system of justice where judges are required to follow precedent
allows the parties to predict the outcome of the litigation and avoid going to court
Draw out Canadas Justice System
slide 17
dealt with matters that could not be handled adequately or fairly by the common law courts
Canadas constitution
- statutes
- case law
3: conventions: dictating how the govt is to operate and include rule of law)
Sections 91 and 92
divide powers between federal and provincial govts
“Peace, order and good govt” (POGG) clause
federal govt has residual power to make law on things not included in constitution act
3 branches of govt
- legislative - which creates legislation or statute law
- judicial - which interprets legislation and makes case law
- executive - implements law
section 35
recognizes and affirms existing indigenous and treaty rights
powers of the federal and provincial govts can overlap considerably
(if overlap is incidental, both laws are valid and operative)
Limitations on charter rights
section 1
section 33
section 32(1)
section 1
allows interference with rights and freedoms as may be justifiable in a free and democratic society
section 33
legislatures can pass acts that infringe on rights “notwithstanding” the Charter, but legislation must be reviewed every 5 years (sunset clause)
section 32(1)
restricts operation of the charter to govt and govt-related activities
fundamental freedoms
conscience and religion
thought, belief, opinion and expression
peaceful assembly, and association
section 6 mobility rights
canadians can travel and live anywhere within the geographic limitations of Canada as well as enter and leave the country at will
Canadians have the right to earn livelihood in any part of Canada
section 7 legal rights
protect individuals from unreasonable interference from govt or its agent
right to life, liberty and the security of person
fundamental justic
everyone is entitled to procedural fairness and the rule of law
sections 8 and 9
prohibit activities like unreasonable search and seizure and arbitrary imprisonment
section 15 equality rights
prohibits discrimination is the application of the law and a general prohibition against discrimination