Chapter 10 - agency and partnership Flashcards
service an agent provides
principal vicariously liable for agents acts
agency relationship is created by
an express or implied contract
prevents one person from contradicting an action or statement from the past
principal can ratify a contract even if the agent acted beyonf both actual and apparent authority
power of principal to raitfy
must be timely
agent must have been acting for a specific principal
principal must have been capacble of entering into the contract
parties must still be able yo perform the object of contract
sale of deterioriting goods to preserve any value
spousal authority for the purchase of necessities
agents duties
may be liable for acting beyond atuh
may be sued for breach of contract by principal
must perform functions set out in agreement
owes duty of reasonable care to principal
must not go against sepcific instructions
cannot delegate responsbiity without consent
principals duties
must honour terms of contract
ambiguties regarding atuhority will be interpreted in favour of braoders agnts authority
sole propietorship
individual carrying on business alone
must adhere to licensing and governing laws
unlimited liability for financial obligations
two or more people carrying on business together for the purpose of making a profit
a legal entity, separate from people who own and control it
partnership act sets out circumstances that do not create a partnership
owning property in common
sharing gross returns from business activity
commission selling or profit sharing schemes
beneficiary of deceased partner receives share of profits
a loan is made in relation to a business and payment of interest varies with the profit
a partnership is presumed
joint contribution of capital to est a business
intention to share expenses, profits, or losses
joint participation in the managment of a business
dissolution of partnership
death, bankruptcy or insolvency of a partner
fixed term expiry of partnership
advantages of partnerships
insurance coverage
reqs of unanimous consent protects partners
less expensive to form and oeprate than incorp
some tax advantages
limited partners
liable only to the extent of their investment
- avoids the unlim liability that goes with being a general partner
- provides some of the advantages of incorps to partnerships
registration required
limited liability partnership
be professionals auth by statute
maintain minimum insurance coverage
be registered with LLP in their name
partner not personally liable for acts or omissions of employees or other partners
joint ventures
when two or more individuals or corps with to cooperate in completing a project together