Chapter 2 - Biology And The Brain Flashcards
Neurons (neurons)
A nerve cell, the basic building block of the nervous system
Glial cells (neurons)
Cells in nervous system that support, nourish, and protect neurons.
Soma (neurons)
Cell body; DNA; message is processed
Axon (neurons)
Sends messages.
Extension of neuron, ending in branching terminal fibers.
Dendrite (neurons)
Receive messages; grow to make connections with neurons.
Branching extensions of a neuron and conduct impulses toward cell body.
Myelin (neurons)
A layer of fatty tissue encasing the fibers of neurons.
Allows for faster transmission of messages.
Polarization (neurons)
The differential electrical charge inside and outside the neuron.
Action Potential (neurons)
A neural impulse; a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon.
Sodium ions rushes in; potassium ions rush out.
Resting potential (neurons)
Waiting for sufficient stimulation.
Electrical charge off neuron when it’s not active.
When not active, inside and outside of neuron are not in balance.
Inside - negative ions; outside - positive ions.
All or none principal (neurons)
Either a neuron fires or not.
Reuptake (neurons)
A neurotransmitter’s reabsorption by sending neuron.
Sensory (type)
Neurons that carry incoming information from the sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord.
Motor (type)
Neurons that carry outgoing information from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands.
Interneurons (type)
Neurons within the brain and spinal cord that communicate internally and intervene between the sensory inputs and motor outputs.
Carry information between each other.
Serotonin (neurotransmitters)
Function: affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal
Disorder: low levels - depression & high levels - manic
Norepinephrine (neurotransmitters)
Function: helps control alertness and arousal, adrenaline rush, speeds heart rate
Disorder: depression
Acetylcholine (neurotransmitters)
Function: enables muscle action, learning, and memory
Disorder: Alzheimer’s disease, low levels - memory impaired, if receptor is blocked - paralysis
Dopamine (neurotransmitters)
Influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion. Pleasure, feel good (muscle contractions), euphoria
Disorder: high level - schizophrenia, low level - Parkinson’s disease
Endorphins (neurotransmitters)
Function: natural “painkiller” (made by body), relieves pain, “runner’s high”
GABA (neurotransmitters)
Function: anti-anxiety, relaxation, calm, a major inhibitory neurotransmitter
Disorder: low level - seizures, tremors, insomnia
Substance P (neurotransmitters)
Function: makes you feel pain
Agonists and antagonists
Agonists: increases effect, speed, anything with neurotransmitter (ex: cocaine)
Antagonists: slows of stops or kill the neurons (ex: alcohol)
CNS (nervous system structure and function)
Brain and spinal cord.
PNS (nervous system structure and function)
Connects brain to rest of body.