chapter 2 - bio Flashcards
process of becoming a specialized cell
Meristematic cells
stem cells in plants
Stem cells
undifferentiated cells
Dermal tissue
outermost layer; covering of the plant
Vascular tissue
system of tubes transporting substances through the plant body
Ground tissue
supportive network between dermal and vascular tissues
photosynthesis in greens, storage of carbs in roots and support stems
Apical meristem
located at the tips of roots and shoots responsible for increase in height
Lateral meristem
located around the stems responsible for increase in width
How many organ systems are in a plant?
2; root and shoot
vascular vessel for water transport
vascular tissue for sugar transport
water moving from soil to roots (PUSHING FORCE/root pressure)
Capillary action
tendency of liquids to move upwards against gravity in narrow spaces
water molecules being attracted to other water molecules
water molecules are attracted to other substances
The two important properties of water
adhesion and cohesion
evaporation of water vapour (PULLING FORCE)
collection of cells with similar functions
Root hair (functions)
increase surface area to maximize water intake
Leaf hair (functions)
contain chemical irritants, defense from predators
Waxy cuticle
epidermal cell - makes surface waterproof for water retention
Terminal bud
where upwards growth happens
jelly-like fluid suspending all the organelles
Chemical formula for phosynthesis
6CO2 + 6H2O —> C6H12 + 6O2
carbon dioxide + water —> glucose oxygen