Chapter 2: Airspace Organization Flashcards
What is a Flight Information Region (FIR)?
An area of defined dimensions within which flight information services and alerting services are provided.
How many FIRs surround Singapore?
Which FIR is not part of Singapore Airspace?
Yangon FIR
What are sectors?
3D Chunks of air which are vertically separated based on height to help ease the workload on controllers
What are the “Right of the Way” Rules of Air?
Head-On, Converging, Passing/Overtaking
Explain the “Head-On” Rule of the Air
If two aircraft are facing each other at the same altitude, both aircraft are to give way by turning to right.
Explain the “Converging” Rule of the Air
When two aircraft are about to intercept each other at a common point, the aircraft which is able to see the other on the starboard side is obliged to give way to the other aircraft,
Explain the “Passing/Overtaking” Rule of the Air
An aircraft that is being overtaken has the right-of-way and the overtaking aircraft, whether climbing, descending, or in horizontal flight, shall keep out of the way of the other aircraft by altering its heading to the right, and no subsequent change in the relative positions of the two aircraft shall absolve the overtaking aircraft from this obligation until it is entirely past and clear.
What are VMCs expressed in terms of?
Visibility, Distance from Cloud, Cloud Ceiling
What are the VMCs when above 3000ft?
1500m horizontally and 1000m vertically clear from cloud, flight visibility 5km below 10,000ft and 8km above 10,000ft
What are the VMCs when below 3,000ft?
Clear of cloud and in sight of the surface, flight visibility 5km.
When do VFR Flights need an approved flight plan?
Flying VFR at night, flying in vicinity of airport, acrobatic flight in controlled airspace and controlled airports, flying in clouds with gliders, flying in restricted areas, VFR flights crossing borders
What is the Minimum Equipment list for VFR?
Magnetic compass, accurate time piece indicating the time in hours, minutes and seconds, a sensitive pressure altimeter, an airspeed indicator and additional instruments or equipment as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority
What are the sub-sections of the controlled airspace?
En-Route, TMA (Terminal Control Area) and CTR (Control Zone)
What is Height? What is its altimeter pressure setting?
The vertical distance of an aircraft above any surface. Pressure setting is QFE.
What is Altitude? What is its altimeter pressure setting?
The vertical distance of an aircraft above the mean sea level (MSL). Pressure setting is QNH.
What is Flight Level?
The vertical distance of an aircraft above a standardized datum of 1013.25Pa / 29.92 in Hg. FL is written with 3 digits at the back, i.e. FL100 = 10,000 feet
Which phase of flight permits the missed approach maneuver?
Final Approach Fix (FAF)
Which phase of flight permits the holding pattern?
Initial Approach Fix (IAF)