Chapter 2 Flashcards
In taking field notes about a murder victim’s gunshot wounds, which detail should officers omit? A. type of gun used B. location of any wounds C. descriptions of wounds D. accompanying bruising
Answer: A
For every photograph taken at a crime scene, which of the following is an unnecessary detail to record? A. shutter speed B. lighting at the crime scene C. direction of the photo D. distance of the photo
Answer: B
Which of the following is true about writing and using field notes in the courtroom?
A. The court may not require field notes since they are the personal property of the investigator.
B. It is acceptable for a person who did not prepare the field notes to testify about their reliability.
C. An investigator should keep all notes in one notebook.
D. A bound notebook is best so the investigator can prove that pages have not been removed.
Answer: B
Which is the best usage of a close-up photo? A. conducting surveillance B. getting a picture of a getaway car C. noting bullet holes in a wall D. documenting interviews
Answer: C
Which of the following is false about crime scene photographs?
A. They provide easy storage and retrieval of data on the crime scene.
B. They remove many inferences by practically placing the judge and jury at the crime scene.
C. They give the investigator a source of reference as to the location of evidence at the scene.
D. They show true or actual distances with minimal mechanical errors and color disruptions.
Answer: D
Which of the following best expresses the purpose of using markers at a crime scene?
A. to register specific places on videotape at the crime scene
B. to assist in listing all physical evidence at the scene
C. to provide a sense of the size of physical evidence
D. to determine the suitable lighting at the crime scene
Answer: C
Which is the best example of a prejudicial photo?
A. a photo of a body with chalk marks around it
B. a color photo of blood stains on a wall
C. an arrest photo of the suspect showing him dirty and unkempt
D. a photo of the murder weapon, taken at the scene
Answer: C
Which of the following lists the appropriate order of steps involved in writing a report?
A. collecting information about a crime scene, organizing information, completing notes, preparing the report
B. collecting information about a crime scene, completing notes, preparing the report, proofreading the report
C. collecting information about a crime scene, organizing information, evaluating the information, preparing the report
D. collecting information about a crime scene, preparing the report, evaluating the report, organizing the notes
Answer: B
For which of the following purposes does an officer use FI cards?
A. to record names of potential witnesses in a neighborhood canvass
B. to sketch physical evidence at a crime scene
C. to jot down notes about suspicious persons during a watch
D. to make personal/secretive notes about a case
Answer: C
Which is the most accurate interpretation of the “best evidence rule”?
A. Videotapes are usually better than photos.
B. Testimony is better than physical evidence.
C. Original notes are usually better than photocopies.
D. Authenticated photocopies are admissible in court.
Answer: C
Generally, when should police officers begin to take notes?
A. As soon as an officer gets a call to the scene of a crime.
B. After arrival at the scene and the scene is rendered SAFE.
C. Note taking is a very personal process and each officer should decide on his or her own when to begin to take notes.
D. After the first interview of either the victim or a witness found at or near the scene.
Answer: A
When first encountering a witness or victim, it is important for the investigator to allow the person to state in his or her own words what occurred. How is this best accomplished?
A. By asking the person simple, direct questions about chronological details such as, “What did you see when you first arrived?”
B. By creating a private setting and allowing the person to write down everything that happened and after this is accomplished, clarify the written statement with specific follow-up questions.
C. By instructing all victims and witnesses to refrain from talking until investigators arrive to formally get their statements.
D. By asking the simple question, “What happened?”
Answer: D
Which of the following should be included in a police officer’s field notes?
A. Dates, times, and locations
B. Description of the victim
C. Wounds on the victim
D. All of the above should be in an officer’s field notes
Answer: D
When do police officers use field interview cards (FI cards)?
A. When investigators interrogate suspects in the field and subsequently make an arrest.
B. When patrol officers happen on people in circumstances that appear suspicious but there is not sufficient cause for arrest.
C. When patrol officers arrest and interview the suspect “on the street” instead of conducting the interview in a controlled environment such as an interrogation room.
D. When any police officer interviews a witness.
Answer: B
Which of following statements should be omitted from a police report regarding a sexual assault investigation?
A. Kylie Anderson told me that she left the party with David Smith at about 1:00 A.m.
B. When I asked about her consumption of alcohol, Ms. Anderson said, “I can’t remember how much I had to drink.”
C. During this part of the interview, I suspected that Ms. Anderson was lying.
D. Ms. Anderson’s blood alcohol level (BAC) was .17 BAC as reported by the emergency room physician’s notes.
Answer: C
Which of the following statements is the BEST use of language in a police report?
A. Ms. Anderson observed the vehicle transporting multiple subjects near the mall.
B. The aforementioned victim observed the vehicle in the vicinity of the mall with several perpetrators inside.
C. The suspect vehicle was seen by Ms. Anderson near the mall.
D. Ms. Anderson saw the AMC Pacer with several men inside driving near the Appleton mall.
Answer: D
All photos are required to be authenticated in order to be admissible in court. Specifically, the party seeking to introduce the photograph into evidence must be prepared to present testimony that the photograph is accurate and correct. Which of the following statements BEST describes the legal rule on who must authenticate pictures through sworn testimony in court?
A. The photographer is the only person who can authenticate the picture for it to be admissible.
B. It must be authenticated by someone who was at the scene but does not have to be the photographer.
C. The person who printed the picture must testify as to its authenticity.
D. Any person familiar with the case may authenticate the picture.
Answer: B
From an evidentiary standpoint, digital images must be handled with special care and consideration to preserve their integrity as evidence. Copies of the images contained on the original storage media can (and should) be copied to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. a memory stick. B. a computer hard drive. C. an SD card. D. a compact disc (CD
Answer: D
Photographs of the crime scene are usually taken in three stages. This approach enables a picture of all circumstances to be painted for jurors while leading up to the most critical part of the crime scene. What are the three photographic stages to document a crime scene?
A. Preliminary Investigation, Stabilized Investigation, Closing
B. General Views, Specialized Views, Evidential Views
C. General Views, Medium-Range Views, Close-up Views
D. Video Documentation, Photo Documentation, Crime Scene Sketching
Answer: C
You are a police officer at a crime scene. You find a 9mm spent cartridge on the floor near the back door in the kitchen. To emphasize perspective, how should this item be photographed?
A. The first picture should be taken at close range, and the second should be taken from at least 6 feet away.
B. The item should be photographed at the closest possible range, with a police item marker in plain view.
C. The item should be photographed at a range not to be more than 6 inches away.
D. None of the above are techniques that show the item in perspective.
Answer: A
Ideally, an officer should begin to take notes after she has arrived at the crime scene, after all evidence has been located (including witnesses), but before any arrests are made.
True or False
investigator’s field notes should include the date and time of her assignment to the case.
True or False
Officers usually write field notes in the order in which information was learned, rather than in chronological order.
True or False
Typically, crime scene photographers should take between 25 and 50 photos, depending on the nature and complexity of the crime.
True or False
Photos frequently convey information more accurately than does an officer’s verbal explanation.
True or False
As a rule, the crime scene photographer will find that natural light at the scene is adequate for good-quality photos.
True or False
The face sheet contains the summary of an investigation.
An officer may use a tape recorder instead of taking field notes; however, it is highly recommended that the officer make a transcript of the tape.
True or False
Investigators should remember that it is the officer’s memory, not the official police report that is the backbone of the criminal prosecution process.
It is vital when prosecuting a case that the person who took the photos of a crime scene is the one who testifies about them in court.