Chapter 2 Flashcards
What best describes the purpose of the MBTI?
It measures psychological preferences of how people receive the world.
What is Ned Herrmanns approach?
Whole Brain Learning
What best summarizes learning styles?
There is no or very weak support for learning styles.
What best describes Howard Gardners philosophy?
Intelligence is multi faced and traditional measures such as IQ tests do not accurately measure all facets. He defined intelligence as a measurable aptitude, an aptitude that can be used to create and solve problems, and an aptitude valued by culture.
Modalities define how learners take in information. Modalities ARE NOT…
Brain Based
The goal of producing a consistently positive learning experience that allows learners to acquire information and skills to more effectively retrieve, recall, or respond with confidence, quickness, and accuracy is what approach?
Characteristics of Adult Learners (CaL)
What is not a key principal of accelerated learning?
Intrinsic motivation
What researchers adapted a learning style inventory from the MBTI to create a spectrum of 4 distinct learning styles?
Silver and Hanson
All may affect the speed at which adults learn EXCEPT…
Why is it important for facilitators & trainers to know their preferred presentation style?
To adjust their presentation style to gain the attention of learners.
What is an example of an accelerated learning technique?
Creating a multi sensory environment using music, color, and movement.
What is not an example of informal learning?
What is not a way learners can create their personal learning network?
Meet for lunch with a group of coworkers and plan a birthday party.
What seating arrangement is least conductive to stimulating group discussion?
Theater style
When planning a statistic marketing class what should be avoided?
Rooms with stationary tables and chairs limits the facilitators flexibility to adjust the environment for optimal learning as required by the participants.
What is online learning most effective mode of training?
Teaching prerequisite materials; it enables the trainer to start a class at a higher level, which can result in more in-depth learning experience, a shorter experience, or both.
What task is not appropriate for job aids?
A task with strict time requirements, such as response or reaction time. Some tasks need to be preformed immediately with out allowing time to find the right way to do them.
When is self directed learning NOT appropriate?
The level of self directedness in the learner profile is low.
What is an advantage of asynchronous online learning?
Provides greater flexibility for participants.
What is a disadvantage of asynchronous online learning?
It requires excellent instructional design and production.
A TD professional has decided to design a class to provide ongoing performance support to the field sales staff. Is the selection of classroom training appropriate and why?
No, because this training approach often causes training and performance to be approached as separate efforts.
What is an advantage of classroom training?
Some learners may be more comfortable with classroom training because it is a familiar learning environment.
What is not a benefit of using games and simulations to deliver training?
They are best used to train tote skills and provide baseline information prior to other formal training courses.
What is best for developing higher order thinking skills and stimulating interpersonal exchanges?
Classroom Training
What best describes the practice of using several media options in one circillum, and typically refers to combination of classroom instruction and any type of training that includes self directed use of technology based learning?
Blended Learning
A facilitator professing ignorance on a topic and proceeding to ask learners questions to explore the issue is using what type of questioning technique?
What questioning technique do facilitators use to check for understanding or to check consensus?
Close ended
What is NOT a key item that trainers must do when they prepare to deliver training?
Prepare a game to create competition
What is NOT an active training technique used to keep participants involved during training delivery?
Examples of basic classroom management EXCEPT….
Creating competition
What is not an effective mannerism when delivering training?
Hold on to the lectern and stand very straight
What is best described as activities conducted at the beginning of a training program that introduce participants to one another, may introduce content and help participants ease into the program?
Trainers should use eye contact to scan the class for learner reactions during classroom delivery to accomplish all BUT…
Focus on quiet participants
What best describes the role of the person or trainer who guides or makes learning easier, both in content and on the job.
Which type of question often starting with the words “what if”… is used to get learners to think freely in situations where answers may be valid?
Facilitators primarily use techniques to get participants to learn from each other EXCEPT…
Which adjustment will a trainer need to make when moving from classroom session to an online presentation of material?
Schedule more time for interactions
What is an advantage of a flip chart?
Inexpensive and Flexible
What might not necessarily enhance a presentation?
High Tech visual Aids.
2 groups who don’t have a similar mastery of a language may experience mild distinctions in meanings that lead to misunderstandings. This type of barrier to communication is referred to as?
Barriers to listening that originate with the learner EXCEPT….
Failure to immediately identify why the message of interest to the learner.
When examining models used in communication theory, noise is often defined as…..
Something that hinders the flow of information between a source and receiver.
An American manager is relocated tot he company’s Japanese office and is offended when not provided a private office. This is an example of what common barrier to communication?
What is a nonverbal signal that can be translated directly into words, but may not have universal meanings for all cultures?
Emblems, a form of body language, are nonverbal signals that can be translated directly into words.
Considerations trainers need to balance with the effect of culture on learning styles EXCEPT…
Instructional design approach
To prepare mentally and emotionally for a presentation what is good advice to follow?
Dress in rehearsal the clothes you actually plan to wear for the presentation.
What is a good tip to preparing notes for a large conference speech.
Put 6 periods at the end of the sentences, so that they do not run together.