Chapter 2 Flashcards
Staff Management 1
Essence of Section 4, Employment Relations Act 2000
Parties to employment relationship to deal with each other in good faith.
Who does code of conduct apply to and when
Anyone employed or engaged by nzp; permanent, temporary or casual, contractors, consultants, volunteers, and any other groups / individuals.
At all times even when off duty.
How can we be sure our conduct complies with the code and policies.
Values, common sense, act with self respect, SELF test.
What is SELF test
Scrutiny -
Ensure compliance - code of conduct, other policy, GI
Lawful -
A breach of the code - what is considered. Hint 6 IPAITS
Position, duties, responsibilities
Ability to fulfil duties, responsibilities
Impact on org and relationships
Impact on T and C
Similar behaviour in the past - how dealt with.
Misconduct e.g.s
Breach police policy
Treat a person harshly
Use abusive or offensive language
Misuse of internet or email
Using database for unauthorised or personal use
Absent or late for work without proper reason
Failure to declare conflict of interest
Misuse or mistreatment of police property
Bring police into disrepute through actions or behaviour
Serious misconduct e.g.s
Being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offence
Bullying or harassment
Sexual misconduct
Theft or dishonesty of any kind
Unauthorised access to or disclosure of info related to police business including NIA
Repeated misconduct (including breach of a warning.)
Knowingly making a false declaration or statement - including incorrectly recording data
Excessive unjustified violence
Performance mgmt - what is it
Seeking improvement through dialogue and providing support to enable employee to perform. NOT DISCIPLINARY unless employee has been unable or unwilling to satisfactorily improve following a PIP.
Performance mgmt
Step 1 Informal discussion - objective
Encourage dialogue and try and id if there are underlying causes that are contributing to performance issues. Role is to encourage, support and try to help employee to improve. Also important to give employee a chance to explain and talk about the issues and their causes, to make suggestions for how issues might be resolved.
Informal discussion - how
1 Talk in private, 2 way discussion, give examples, criticism should be constructive with an emphasis on finding ways to improve and for the improvement to be sustained. Employee allowed support person.
2 Listen to employee.
3 NOT formal, NOT disciplinary
4 Where possible reach agreement on the way forward including reasonable period.
5 Send the employee a letter as a record of conversation
6 Arrange a follow up meeting to assess progress
7 Consider a referral to wellness services
If problem doesn’t improve consult with HRM.
Performance mgmt
Step 2 - Performance meeting - why
Performance hasn’t improved despite informal discussion. Note; Performance meeting doesn’t mean PIP will be commenced. Every issue considered on it’s facts.
Before Step 2 Performance meeting
1 ID minimum standard of performance and shortfall - focus discussion on shortfall
2 Send employee letter of invitation
3 Set up performance mgmt file
4 Discuss with HR
5 Checklist of items for discussion
6 If org support is req’d, ascertain names of contact persons.
During Performance meeting
1 Reasons and agenda. Give agenda to employee (without any pre determined conclusions)
2 Provide info - min standard of performance and shortfall. Provide examples, documentation.
3 Opportunity to respond.
4 Problem solving. If a PIP seems necessary, go through it with them and support person. For PIP inform them they will be supported trained and assisted to reach required level of performance. Record agreed assistance on PIP form. Inform them that if they do not reach the minimum standard of performance, the issue may be treated as a misconduct issue and addressed under the progressive disciplinary process.
5 Record keeping - record explanation in the notes of meeting and make sure this is signed by both parties. Copy all documentation to the employees performance mgmt file and provide a copy to employee.
After meeting - if PIP in place follow step 3 PIP instructions. If no PIP, continue to monitor the employees performance. If no improvement after reasonable period, a further meeting may be required to put a PIP in place.
Performance mgmt
Step 3 - PIP - info to include
- Performance to be improved - specific, statement about the aim.
- Minimum acceptable standard of performance with reference to the competencies, position description, code of conduct and any other benchmarks.
- Remedial steps to be taken.
- Support and resources Police will provide.
- How and when you will provide feedback.
- Review periods - with whom and how often. Specify the measurements for evaluation.
- Dates for progress meetings.
- Start date for PIP.
- Possible consequences if performance standards are not met.
- Signature of both parties and the date.
Performance mgmt
Step 4 - Completion of the PIP - required standard reached
Evaluation of performance, if required standard then no longer required.
The date confirmed in writing on the PIP form and a letter confirming this.
Performance monitoring may continue on an informal basis.
Options for ongoing training or additional support may be explored with the employee to ensure he maintains the required level of performance, ongoing dialogue should be encouraged.
A copy of PIP on employees performance mgmt file along with a copy of any letters sent to the employee.
Performance mgmt - PIP non performance - what to do (2 options)
Revise PIP
Progressive disciplinary process
Disciplinary Policy - key things to note (2)
1 Process is used to determine whether alleged breaches of Our Code and / or policies are substantiated and if so, what the appropriate outcome is.
2 This process is underpinned by the employment principles of good faith.
Disciplinary Policy - why and purpose
- Enables us to meet obligations of good faith and comply with its legal obligations under the employment relations act 2000.
- Ensure breaches of Our Code are managed and dealt with fairly and in good faith with a view to improving conduct.
Good faith - must do’s (3)
- Engage openly, honestly and respectfully
- Be responsive and communicative
- Be active and constructive in maintaining a productive employment relationship.
Disciplinary and good faith - how (10)
Fair and reasonable
Employment investigation only if there is good reason
Notify employee upon commencement
Provide details of specific allegations for response
Advise them of right for advice and representation
Allow employees a reasonable opportunity to respond to allegations
Consider explanation in an unbiased manner
Notify employee of the outcome of investigation into allegations
Ensure outcomes are proportionate to nature and seriousness
Ensure privacy and confidentiality of investigation is maintained
Disciplinary process steps / guidelines (9)
1 initial assessment 2 categorisation 3 criminal and employment investigations 4 restricted duties, suspension and stand down 5 drafting allegations 6 investigation - initial steps 7 investigation and investigation meeting 8 making the decision 9 outcomes - warning or dismissal
Initial assessment purpose and who can assess
To ID if there is an issue that Police need to address or investigate. Manager should be able to assess with support and guidance from HR.
What to consider during initial assessment - 5
Any substance or is more info needed.
Is it necessary to notify and/or speak to the employee about the matter.
Is the alleged conduct a breach of Our Code, Policies or employment agreements.
What info is available for consideration.
What are the appropriate next steps.
Possible pathways after initial assessment
1 No conduct or performance issues - no further action.
2 Potential misconduct or serious misconduct - referred to HR.
3 If criminal aspect refer and work with PPC.
4 Performance issue - manager will manage and may seek advice from HR.