Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is a longitudinal study?
data collection over time-at several points in time
What is a cross-sectional study?
data collection at one point in time
Ethics: What should you do before you begin the study?
Consider professional codes of ethics
application-institutional review board =REB
- study purpose & plan, participants, benefits & risks, consents etc
- UNBC REB guided by Tri-Council policy statement (tutorial)
- monthly meetings during academic year
- timing of application is important
- expect feedback/minor revisions/questions to answer
select a site without vested interests
obtain permission to gain access- site & study participants
negotiate authorship-publishing
Ethics:What should you do at the Beginning the study?
identify a problem that will benefit participants
let participants know-purpose and sponsors
obtain informed consent-do not pressure
respect norms & charters
-of Indigenous & other cultures
Ethics : Things to consider when collecting the data
Respect the site – minimal disruption
Anticipate & consider
- Respect for vulnerable populations
- Risks for participants
- Avoid deception
- Avoid exploitation
- Potential power imbalances
Interview with sensitivity
Make sure all participants receive the benefits
Ethics: Data Analysis
Avoid taking sides or disregard data that proves or disproves personal hypotheses
Full disclosure of results
-Avoid disclosing only positive results
Respect the privacy of participants:
-Protect anonymity of participants
Storing data & destroy it after a set time
Plan ownership of data
-not sharing data with others
Ethics: Reporting, sharing & storing
Communicate - clear straightforward, appropriate language :
- Share with stakeholders, participants - Avoid disclosing information that would harm participants
Do not falsify authorship, evidence, data, findings or conclusions:
- Understand who owns the data - Do not plagiarize - Proof of compliance with ethical issues and lack of conflict of interest
Keep raw data and other materials for a reasonable period of time
What is the purpose statement?
First “signpost” to lead reader:
- Usually positioned at the end of the introduction
- Should be clear, specific & informative
Establishes intent of the research:
- why do the study and what will be accomplished - Central controlling idea in a study: - Sets objectives, intent, or major idea of a proposal or a study
The purpose statement is not…
The problem or issue identifying need for research
The question(s) to be answered by collecting data
What are the basic features of a QUAL purpose statement?
Focus - single phenomenon
-narrows study to one idea to be explored or understood.
A good qualitative purpose statement has:
-Central phenomenon – including working definition
-Emerging design used
-Language drawn from QUAL inquiry:
Starts with purpose, intent, or objective
Action verbs: Describe, explore, develop
Neutral words or phrases
Research site
what are the basic features of the QUANT purpose statement?
Differs from QUAL purpose statements in language & focus
QUANT language
Theory, model use
Focus on major variables used in study:
- Relating or comparing variables:
- Identifies Independent, dependent & any mediating, moderating, or control variables
- and how these relate to participants & site
3. Positions independent before dependent variable
Strategy of inquiry (e.g., survey, experiment)
Literature used to define key variables
What does a good MM purpose statement have?
Overall intent
Information about both QUANT & QUAL strands
Rationale – reasons - for MM study
Type of MM design:
1. A convergent design 2. Explanatory sequential design 3. Exploratory sequential design 4. Multiphase design
research question and hypothesis
Another important signpost for the reader of a study.
Narrows the purpose statement
-what will be learned or questions to be answered in a study.
What does QUAL research use?
Use research questions
- Not hypotheses - Not objectives
What are the 2types of QUAL research questions to focus a study’s purpose?
- Central question
- 1 or 2 Broad questions that asks for exploration of the central phenomenon
- Intent - explore general factors relevant to the central phenomenon. - Sub questions
- 5 -7 Questions that narrow the focus of the study