Chapter 2 Flashcards
- is the smallest distance by which two objects can be separated and still be distinguished
- limits the ability of what we can see with a microscope
is the ability to determine the presence of an object
is the increase in the apparent size of an image to resolve smaller separations between objects
Microbial Shape
- Prokaryotic cell structures are generally simpler than those of eukaryotes
- Certain shapes of bacteria are common to many taxonomic groups
- Bacilli = rods
- Cocci = spheres
- Spiral forms = Spirochetes and Spirilla
For electromagnetic radiation to resolve an object, certain conditions must exist
- Contrast between object and its medium
- Wavelength smaller than the object
- Magnification
means that the photon’s energy is acquired by the absorbing object
means that the wavefront bounces off the surface of an object
is the bending of light as it enters a substance that slows its speed
occurs when the wavefront interacts with an object smaller than the wavelength of light
empty magnification
magnification without increasing detail is called
compound microscope
- a system of multiple lenses to increase magnification and produce an upright image
- Basic design contains 2 lenses = Ocular lens and Objective lens
- Total magnification = magnification of ocular multiplied by that of the objective
wet mount
-simple way to observe microbes is to place them in a drop of water on a slide with a coverslip
-Observation of live cells in natural state
- Little contrast between cell and background
- Sample may dry out quickly
- cells are made to adhere to a slide in a fixed position with heat or chemicals
- usually kills the cells
-cells are given a distinct color with a dye, which produces increased contrast
simple stain
- adds dark color specifically to cells, but not to the external medium or surrounding tissue
- A commonly used stain is methylene blue