Chapter 2 Flashcards
A coping strategy by which unwanted thoughts or prohibited desires are forced out of consciousness and into unconscious mind
All ideas, thoughts, and feelings to which we have no conscious access
Theorists who believe that behavior is learned and can be altered
Operating conditioning
Learning resulting from the reinforcing response a person receives after a certain behavior
Behavior modification
Therapy based on operant conditioning and classic conditioning principles used to change behaviors
Aversion therapy
A technique that reduces the frequency of mal adaptive behavior by associating it with aversive stimuli
Cognitive theory
A theory proposing that our thighs are responsible for our behaviors
Fulfillment if an individuals potentialities, including aptitudes, talents, and the like
Uncondition positive regard
Acceptance of another without restrictions n their behaviors or thoughts
Conditional love
Conditional acceptance of another, w restrictions on their behavior or thoughts
Evolutionary theory
A theory that incorporates both evolution and sociology and looks for trends in behavior
the state of not engaging in sexual activity
the scientific study of sexuality
sexual pathology
sexual disorders
research that is not influenced by a particular theory
interviewer bias
the bias of a researcher caused by his or her own opinions, thoughts, and attitudes about the research
probability sampling
a research strategy that involves acquirign a random sample for inclusion in a study
volunteer bias
a slanting of research data caused by the characteristics of participants who volunteer to participate
100% sampling
a research stategy in which all member of a particular group are included
if findings are generalizable, they can be taken from a particular sample and applied to the general population
gender bias
the bias of a researcher caused by his or her gender
random sample
a number of ppl taken from the enite pop in such a way to ensure that any one person has as much chance of being selected as any other
penile strain gauge
a device used to measure penile engorgement
a device used to measure vaginal lubrication
computer-assisted personal interviewing
an interview technique in which an interview takes place in person but a computer is used to input data
audio computer-assisted self interviewing
a private method of data collection where subjects hear the questions and responnce choices through headphones/read then and enter responses independently
longitudinal study
a study done over a certain period wherein participants are studied at various intervals
case study
a research methodology that involves an in-depth exam of one participant/small number of participants
the property of a device measuring what it is intended to measure
the dependability of a test as reflected in the consistency of its scores on repeated measurements of the same group
participant observation
a research methodology that involves actual participation in the event being researched
independent variable
the variable controlled by the experimenter and applied to the participant to determine its effect on the participants reaction
dependent variable
the measure results of an experiment that are believed to be a functioon of the indepenent variable
a statistical measure of the relationship btwn 2 variables
correlational study
a type of research that examines the relationship btwn 2 or more variables
informed consent
informing participants about what will be expected of them before they agree to participate ina erseach study
assurance that all materials collected in a research study will be kept private and confidential
samples of convience
a research methodology taht involves using samples taht are easy to collect and acquire