chapter 2 Flashcards
a set of assumptiions, principals or methods that help a researcher understand the nature of the phenomenon being studied.
the energy generated by sexual instinct (freud)
self-destructive instinct often turned outward in the form of aggression
the collection of unconscious urges and desires that continually seek expression
the part of the personality that mediates btwn environmental demands(reality), conscience(superego), and instinctual needs(id)
the social and parental standards an individual has internalized, the consience
system of psychotherapy developed by freud that focuses on uncovering the unconscious material responsible for a patients disorder
psychosexual development
the childhood stages of development during which the ids pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones
erogenous zones
areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to touch and are associated with sexual pleasure
the tying up of psychic energy at a particular psychosexual stage, resulting in adult behaviors characteristic of the stage
oral stage
a psychosexual stage in which the mouth, lips, and tongue are the primary erogenous zone
anal stage
a psychosexual stage in which the anal area is primary erogenous zone
phallic stage
a psychosexual stage in which teh genital region is the primary erogenous zone and in which the oedipus or electra complex develops
oedipus complex
a male childs sexual attraction for his mother and the consequent conflicts
electra complex
the incestuous desire of a daughter for her father
latency stage
a psychosexual stage in which libdo and sexual interest are repressed
genital stage
final psychosexual stalge