Chapter 2-4 Flashcards
What is viscosity?
How can you calculate it?
It is the measure of the shear force per unit area that is needed to drag one layer of fluid past another layer of fluid one unit distance away.
t = u * dv/dy t = tau (shear force) u= dynamic viscosity dv= change in velocity dy= change in height.
Q= ?
F=p*Q( V2 - V1)
H= P/(pg) + V^2/(2g) + z
What are the differences between steady and unsteady flows?
What are the differences between uniform and non-uniform flow?
In steady flows, the properties do not change with time whereas in unsteady flows they do.
Unifrom: properties don’t change with position
dV/dS = 0
Non-uniform flow: properties change with position.
dV/dS doesn’t = 0
V= velocity vector S= arc length along a streamline
To =?
To is the mean stress on fluid at the boundary
To = -A / Pw * dP*/dx A=cross-sectional area\ Pw= wetted perimeter dP*/dx = pressure gradient P*= P + p*g*z
To (for a circular section) =?
To = -r/2 * dP/dx
r=radius of the pipe.
dP/dx = pressure gradient
P= P + pg*z
Hagen-poiseuille Equation
u is the dynamic viscosity
When is u the max?
When is u=0?
u = 1/(4u) * dp/dx * (R^2 - r^2)
u is maxed when r=0
u=0 when r=R
Hagen-poiseuille Equation
Q= (piR^4) / (8u) * (/\P*)/L
/\P* = P1* - P2* L= length of pipe
Hagen-poiseuille Equation
(Head loss)
Shat flow is this for?
hf= (32*v*L*V) / (g * d^2) v= kinematic viscosity V= mean pipe velocity d= diemeter
Re < 2000 = ?
2000 < Re < 4000 = ?
Re > 4000 = ?
Re =?
Re < 2000 = Lamiar flow
2000 < Re < 4000 = Transitional flow
Re > 4000 = Turbulent flow.
Re = ( V*d) / v = ( p*V*d) / u v= kinematic viscosity u= dynamic viscosity V= mean pipe velocity
The Darcy Equation
hf = ?
What flow does this work for?
hf = Y * (L * V^2) / ( 2gd)
Y is lambda
Laminar and turbulent.
How can you calculate Lambda (Y)?
Y = 64 / Re
How to use the Moody diagram?
Relative roughness on the right selects a line.
The frictional factor is Lambda (Y)
And Reynolds number is at the bottom
Draw on the turbulence line which is where all the lines become flat. (use this as a first guess of Re when needed)