Chapter 2 Flashcards
The characteristics or blend of characteristics that make a person unique.
The Structures of Personality
- Psychological Core
- Typical Responses
- Role-Related Behavior
Psychological Core
This is the most basic and deepest component, it includes your attitudes and values, interests and motives, and beliefs about yourself and your self-worth.
ex.) A person’s religious values.
Typical Responses
Typical responses are the ways we each learn to adjust to the environment or how we usually respond to the words around us.
ex.) Being happy-go-lucky, sky.
Role -Related Behavior
Role-related behavior is how you act based on what you perceive your social situation. (How you act in a particular social situation)
ex.) Behavior as a student, parent, or friend.
Psychodynamic Approach
Psychodynamic: Behavior is determined by several unconscious, constantly changing factors that often conflict with one another.
Emphasis is placed on understanding the person as a whole rather than identifying isolated traits.
Situational Approach
This approach argues that behavior is determined largely by the situation or environment.
Interactional Approach
This approach considers the situation and person as codeterminants of behavior – that is, as variables that together determine behavior.
Phenomenological Approach
This approach contends that behavior is best determined by accounting for both situations and personal characteristics.
Trait Approach
Trait: Behavior is determined by relatively stable traits that are fundamental units of personality.
These traits predispose one to act in a certain way, regardless of the situation.
The Big 5 Model
This model contends that five major dimensions of personality exist, including:
- Neuroticism
- Extroversion
- Openness to experience
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
(Sometimes called Emotional Stability)
Includes traits like tense, moody and anxious.
(Sometimes called Surgency)
The broad dimension of extraversion encompasses such more specific traits as talkative, energetic and assertive.
Openness to experience
(Sometimes called Intellect or Intellect/Imagination)
Includes traits like having wide interests and being imaginative and insightful.
Includes traits like sympathetic, kind and affectionate.
Includes traits like organized, thorough and planful
Gender Differences in Personality
Few personality differences are evident between male and female athletes, particularly at the elite level.