chapter 2 Flashcards
company and marketing strategy
objectives outline
- explain company wide strategic planning and its four steps
- discuss how to design business portfolios and develop growth strategies
- explain marketing’s role in strategic planning and how marketing works with its partners to create and deliver customer value
- describe elements of a customer value driven marketing strategy and marketing mix and the forces that influences them
- explore the marketing management functions including marketing plan and
company wide strategic planning
1- strategic planning
2- defining market - orientated mission
3- setting company objectives and goals
< Company wide strategic planning > Strategic planning
The process of developing and maintaining a profitable strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.
company goals and competencies < – > changing marketing opportunities
steps in strategic media planning
defining company mission –> setting company objectives and goals –> designing the business portfolio –> planning marketing and other functional strategies
< Company wide strategic planning > Defining a market oriented mission
Mission statement = is the organizations purpose: what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment
example questions:
* What is our business?
* Who is the customer?
* What do consumers value?
* What should our business be?
examples of market oriented business definition
Starbucks: we sell coffee and snacks –> we sell the starbucks experience one that enriches peoples lives one moment one human being
Designing the business portfolio
business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up company
portfolio analysis : evaluate the current business portfolio to decide how to allocate support between various product lines
portfolio design = shape the future portfolio ( growth / downsizing ) - product/ market expansion grid
strategic business units can be:
company division
product line within a division
single product or brand
analyzing the current bus. portfolio steps ( 3. )
identify strategic business units ( sbus - strategic business units )
asses the attractiveness of its various ( sbus - strategic business units )
decide how much support each sbu deserves
analyzing the current business portfolio - growth share matrix
Market growth rate high/low
Relative market share high/ low
stars = low market growth high market share
cash cows = high market share, low market growth
question marks = low market growth high market share
dog = low market share and low market growth
star = high growth high market share –> need heavy investment to finance their rapid growth eventually their growth will slow down and they will turn into cash cows
* High growth & share
* Profit potential
* May need heavy
investment to grow
cash cows
= low growth high market share –> these established and succsessful sbus need less inverment to hold their shape. they produce a lot of cash and this money is used to support other sbus that need inverment
*Low growth, high share
* Established, successful
*Produces cash
*HOLD: invest just enough
question marks
= high market growth low market share –> they require a lot of cash to hold their share let alone increase it
*IHigh growth, low share
* Build into Stars/ phase out
* Requires cash to hold
market share
Invest more to build
market share
dogs –> are low growth and low market share. They may generate enough cash to just maintain themselves but do not promise to be large sources of cash. Even if they break even financially, dogs can represent significant opportunity costs by absorbing managerial energy and attention that could be used more profitably elsewhere.
*Low growth & share
* Low profit potential
Investment decisions
build = invest more to build market share
hold = invest just enought to maintain current
harvest = milk the current cash flow regardless of long term effect
divest = sell / discontinue
Developing strategies for growth and downsizing ( product market expansion grid )
product market expansion grid = looks at new products, existing products , new markets, and existing markets for company growth opportunities