Chapter 2 Flashcards
What are the 3 functions of a depository institution
1) Accepting deposits
2) Providing loans
3) Carry out payments/transfers
What is economies of scale
% of people you can go after
what is economies of scope
how you can reach them to offer other products, once you have their credit rating
what are is the major asset, liability and equity for a bank
asset: loans
liability: deposits
equity: retained earnings
what are the 4 impacts of universal banking
1) enhanced financial stability (diversification)
2) increased competition (can decrease interest rates)
3) improved customer convenience
4) regulatory challenges
What is the difference between a transaction account and certificates of deposit
transaction account: chequing account, non interest bearing
certificate of deposit: fixed maturity interest
what is off balance sheet activites
activities that happen but dont show on financial statement, there is notes explaining the situation
Is a pre approved line of credit an asset for the bank
it is not an asset until the borrower uses some of the credit
what is a letter of credit
bank takes out money of buyers account, puts it on hold. Its a guarantee that seller will get his money
Is a letter of credit an off balance sheet or on balance sheet activity.
It is a off balance liability, until the money is deposited into sellers account, then turns to on balance
what is contingency
something has to happen to off balance sheet for it to become on balance sheet
what is an unsecured line of credit
no collateral backing up line of credit, its pre approved based on income
what is disintermediation
skipping the middle man like the bank, going straight to the market (private investors/private debt)
what are credit unions
-non public institutions
-members own the bank
-difficult to access equity quickly
-reports to provincial gvmt
what is the difference between bank loan portfolios
small banks cater to mortgages (real estate)
large bank cater to commercial loans (have less risk, more diversified)
explain what a:
-community bank
-regional bank
-super regional bank
-national bank
-community bank: small, local focus
-regional bank: specific regions
-super regional bank: multiple regions
-national bank: largest, nationwide
what is the purpose of the FDIC (federal deposit insurance corp)
insurance for deposits if bank goes bankrupt
Differentiate between all 3 schedule banks
Schedule 1 banks: domestic, operate in canada, no one can hold more than 20% voting shares
Schedule 2 banks: Foreign entities (HSBC)
Schedule 3 banks: limited operations, target a very specific clientele, only accepts deposits over 150k
What is OSFI (office of the superintendent of financial institutions)
main financial regulator , responsible for overseeing
What is a demand deposit
chequing account, money can be withdrawn without notice
What is a notice deposit
savings account, money can be refused, must give notice to withdraw
What is a fixed term deposit
investment that is locked in for a specific amount of time
How does notice and demand deposit effect the bank.
Demand deposits: forces the bank to keep cash on hand for withdrawls
Notice deposits: gives the bank more flexibility to use money for long term investments (in case of crisis)