Chapter 2 Flashcards
Alkanes are _______ hydrocarbons.
Alkenes are _______ hydrocarbons.
Alkynes are _______ hydrocarbons.
Arenes are _______ hydrocarbons.
Saturated hydrocarbons:
Contain only carbon-carbon single bonds
Unsaturated hydrocarbons
Contain one or more carbon-carbon double bond, triple bond, or benzene ring.
Alkane general molecular formula
Constitutional isomers
Have the same molecular formula but different atom connectivity.
Different constitutional isomers have:
different physical properties
Alkyl group
A substituent group derived from an alkane by the removal of a hydrogen atom
-oic acid
carboxylic acid
A saturated hydrocarbon that contains atoms bonded to form a ring
Cyclic hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon that contains carbon atoms joined to form a ring
Cycloalkane molecular formula:
If there are two substituents on a cycloalkane:
number the ring beginning with the substituent of lower alphabetic order.
If there are three or more substituents:
number the ring to give substituted carbons the lowest numbers (sum)
Indicates that a functional group is bonded to a secondary carbon atom in a chain of four or more carbon atoms
Indicates that a functional group is attached to a tertiary carbon atom.
Used to indicate that all carbons in a molecule are in a continuous chain, except one carbon that is part of an isopropyl group at the end of the chain.
An alkane that consists of two rings that share two carbon atoms
Bridgehead carbons
The shared carbons in a bicycloalkane
Bicycloalkane formula
Staggered conformation
A conformation about a carbon-carbon single bond in which the atoms or groups on one carbon are as far apart as possible from atoms or groups on an adjacent carbon atom.
Eclipsed conformation
A conformation about a carbon-carbon single bond in which the atoms or groups on one carbon are as close as possible to the atoms or groups on an adjacent carbon.
Torsional strain
Strain that arises when nonbonded atoms separated by three bonds are forced from a staggered conformation to an eclipsed conformation. Torsional strain is also called eclipsed-interaction strain.
Eclipsed conformations have ______ energy.
Anti conformation
A conformation about a single bond in which two groups on adjacent carbons lie at a dihedral angle of 180.
Gauche conformation
A conformation about a single bond of an alkane in which two groups on adjacent carbons lie at a dihedral angle of 60.
Gauche and anti conformations are ______ conformations.
Steric strain
The strain that arises when nonbonded atoms separated by four or more bonds are forced closer to each other than their atomic (contact) radii would allow. Steric strain is also called nonbonded interaction strain, or van der Waals strain.
Small ring strain
A strain associated with ring sizes below six that arises from nonoptimal bond angles.
The observed C-C-C bond angles in cyclopropane:
How does puckering a ring alter the strain energy?
1) It decreases the torsional strain associated with eclipsed interactions
2) increases further the angle strain caused by the compression of C-C-C bond angles
Chair conformation
The most stable nonplanar conformation of a cyclohexane; all bond angles are 110.9, close to the optimum. All bonds on adjacent carbons are staggered.
Axial bonds
Perpendicular bonds
Equatorial bonds
Lies roughly along the equator of the ring
Diaxial interaction
The steric strain arising from interaction between an axial substituent and an axial hydrogen on the same side of the chair conformation.
Which is more stable, axial or equatorial substituents?
Compounds that have the same molecular formula and the same connectivity, but different orientation in space.
An atom (most commonly a carbon atom) about which exchange of two groups produces a different stereoisomer.
Cis, trans isomers
Have the same molecular formula and same connectivity of atoms, but the arrangement of their atoms in space cannot be interconverted by rotation about single bonds.
substituents are on the same side of the ring
substituents are on opposite sides of the ring
Which is more stable, cis or trans isomers?
What intermolecular force do cycloalkanes contain?
dispersion forces
The strength of dispersion forces tend to increase with:
increasing molecular mass and size
Boiling points of alkanes are:
As the number of atoms and molecular weight of alkanes increase, the boiling point ______.
Alkanes containing 1 to 4 carbons are _____ at room temperature.
Alkanes containing 5 to 17 carbons are ________ at room temperature.
colorless liquids
Alkanes containing 18 or more carbons are ______ at room temperature.
white, waxy solids
Constitutional isomers are ______ compounds.
As the branching of an alkane increases, boiling point ______.
Oxidation of alkanes
Oxidation of alkanes to carbon dioxide and water is the basis for their use as energy sources of heat and power.
In hydrocarbon oxidations, the energy of the products is ______ than that of the reactants.
Heat of combustion
The energy of the products minus that of the reactants
Longer straight-chained alkanes have a _____ melting point than shorter straight-chained alkanes.
The density of an alkane _____ with increasing molecular weight.
Branched alkanes are _____ stable than straight-chained alkanes.
Branched alkanes have a ____ boiling point than straight-chained alkanes.