Chapter 2 Flashcards
Three other types of evidence for behaviour:
- Your Experience
- Your intuition
- An authority
3 elements of empiricism:
- Comes from observation and experimentaion
- Reproducable
- Verifiable
Element of Empircism
Comes from observation and experimentation
Empiricists say we need to gather data from sensory experiences, and observations
Element of empircism
Empirical evidence should be reproducible by different observers under similair conditions
element of empircism
empirical claims must sbe testable and subject to verification or falsification through futher observation and expriements
Hindsight understanding
proposing an explanation to a behaivour after seeing it (“i knew it all along moment”)
3 elements leading to hindsight understanding:
- Cognitive
- Meta-Cognitive
- Motivational
Hindsight understanding
Cognitive element
Things like forgetting past prediction
Hindsight Understandiing
Metacognitive Element
when you undrestand why something happend, you can see why it happened
Hindsight Bias
Believing an outcome was innevitable
The Scientific Method Definition
Systematic procedure used to ahieve goal of description, prediction, and explanation
Normal Distribution
-Central Peak
-Tails off to both ends
Scientific Method Steps
- Identify a Question - What we want to learn?
- Form a Hypothesis - What we predict?
- Test Hypothesis by doing reserach
- Analyze Data - What we think?
- Build a body of knowledge - Build Theory
Negatively Skewed
Skewed to the left
Mode > Median > Mean
Positively Skewed
Skewed to the right
Mean > Median > Mode
How do you know if something is positively or negatively skewed?
if the tail is to the right then it is positively skewed. If the tail is to the left then it is negatively skewed.
Standard Deviation
describes the average difference between measurments
value of largest measurment minus smallest measurment
How much measurments differ from one another
3 ways to build body of knowledge:
- Present at Conference
- Publish in peer-reviewed
- Promote work on social media
Key Features of Indegenous Systems
- Holistic Perspectives
- Spiritualty
- Ecological Context
(there are more)
Any characteristic that varies
Operational Defintion
defines varible in terms of specific prcedure used to measure it: ex how fast someones heart to say it is anxiety
Two things that make a good measurment:
- Reliability
- Validity
Always produce the same score when measuring the same thing
must conceptually be related to the property of study
Descriptive Research
Seeks to explain how an individual behaves, esp in natural environment
3 types of descriptive research
- Case studies
- Naturalistic Observations
- Surveys
Self-Report measure
participants report on their own knowledge, beliefs, feelings
-a questionnaire or interview
Two issues with self-report
-Social Desirability Bias (desire to make good impression)
-Asking suggestive or leading questions
case study
descriptive research method that involves intenstive examination of “atypical” person