Chapter 2 Flashcards
Means confusion about person, place or time
Are burns caused by hot liquids. It takes five seconds or less for a serious burn to occur when the temperature of a liquid is 140°.
Medical Asepsis
Refers to measures used to reduce and prevent the spread of pathogens
Surgical Asepsis
Makes an object or area free of all microorganism
Is an injury that rubs off the surface of the skin such as scissors, nail clippers, and razors should be put away after use
Is a droplet and airborne disease transmitted through droplets and particles produced when the infected person breathes, sneezes, coughs, sings or talks
Susceptible Host
Is an uninfected person who could get sick
Methicillin - Resistant staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
Is a strain of this bacterium that has developed resistance to methicillin
Blue or gray in reference to skin color
Healthcare associated infection(HAI)
Is an infection acquired in a healthcare setting during the delivery of medical care
Mucous membranes
Are membranes that line body cavities that open to the outside of the body
Difficulty breathing
Portal of exit
Is anybody opening on an infected person that allows pathogens to leave
Mode of transmission
Describes how the pathogen travels
Transient Ischemic
Is a result of a temporary lack of blood supply to the brain
Direct contact
Happens by touching the infected person or their secretions
A small living thing that can be seen only under a microscope
Defense mechanism
Are unconscious behaviors used to release tension or cope with stress. They help to block uncomfortable or threatening feelings
Are phrases that are used over and over again and do not really mean anything
Indirect contact
Results from touching an object contaminated by the infected person such as a needle, dressing or tissue
Vancomycin - Resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
Spreads directly through contact
Clostridioides difficile (C-diff)
A bacterium that is spread by spores in feces that are difficult to kill; it causes symptoms, such as diarrhea and nausea and can lead to serious inflammation of the colon(colitis)
Is a process that destroys most, but not all pathogens
Portal of entry
Is anybody opening on an uninfected person that allows pathogens to enter
Chain of infection
Is a way of describing how disease is transmitted from one human being to another
Causative agent
Is a pathogenic microorganism that causes disease
Is where the pathogen lives and multiplies
Resident identification
Residents must always be identified before giving care or serving food.
Failure to identify residents can cause serious problems, even death
Means being mentally alert and having awareness of surroundings, sensations, and thoughts
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(CPR)
Used when a persons heart or lungs have stopped working
Occupational safety and health administration (OSHA)
Is a federal government agency that makes rules to protect workers from hazards on the job
First Aid
Is emergency care given immediately to an injured person by the first people to respond to an emergency
Obstructed Airway
When something is blocking the tube through which air enters the lungs
Abdominal thrusts
A method of attempting to remove an object from the airway of someone who is choking
Occurs when organs and tissues in the body do not receive an adequate blood supply
Passage or transfer
Meaning violent or hostile behavior
The act of ejecting stomach contents through the mouth or nose
Infection prevention
Is the set of methods practiced in healthcare facilities to prevent and control the spread of disease
Is a natural emotion that has many causes. These include disease, fear, pain, loneliness, and loss of independence
Inappropriate behavior
From residents includes trying to establish a personal, rather than a professional relationship with an NA
All staff members, including nursing assistants are responsible for safety in a facility
Subjective information
Is something a person cannot or did not observe
Transmission based precautions
Are used for persons who are infected or may be infected with certain diseases
Body mechanics
Is the way the parts of the body work together when a person moves
Is the way a person holds and positions their body
Is the process of exchanging information with others
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
Occurs when blood supply to a part of the brain is blocked or a blood vessel leaks or ruptures within the brain
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Caused by having too little insulin in the body
Is inflammation of the liver caused by certain viruses and other factors, such as alcohol abuse some medications, and trauma
Blood borne Pathogens
Are microorganism found in human blood
Occur when harmful microorganisms called pathogens invade the body and multiply
Systemic Infection
Affects the entire body
Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
Is a federal government agency that issues guidelines to protect and improve the health of individuals and communities
Objective information
Is based on what a person sees, hears, touches or smells
Is cleaning measure that destroys all microorganisms, including those that form spores
Is highly contagious disease, caused by a bacterium that is carried on mucous droplets suspended in the air
Is the inability to control the bladder or Bowles
Nonverbal communication
Is communication without using words, also includes how a person says something
Non-intact skin
Skin that is broken by abrasions, cuts, rashes, acne, pimples, lesions, surgical incisions or boils
Perineal care
Care of the genital and anal area
NA’s should remove the gown as soon as possible and wash their hands
NA’s must put on gown, mask, goggles, face shield and gloves when splashing or spraying of body guilds or blood could occur
Hand hygiene
As washing hands with soap and water or using an alcohol based hand rub (ABHR)
Whether standing, sitting, or lying down, the body should be in alignment and should have good posture
Are needles or other sharp objects
Localized Infection
Is limited to a specific location in the body
Verbal communication
Use spoken or written words
Insulin reaction
Occurs when insulin is given and the person skips a meal or does not eat all the food required
Occurs as a result of decreased blood flow to the brain, causing a loss of consciousness
Myocardial Infarction
Occurs when the heart muscle itself does not receive enough oxygen because blood vessels are blocked
Base of support
Is the foundation that supports an object
Center of gravity
In the body is the point where the most weight is concentrated
Is a broken bone
Older people are often more seriously injured by falls because their bones are more fragile
Is a system of learned beliefs and behaviors that is practiced by a group of people
Is a loss of function or ability it can be a partial or complete loss of function
Mental health
Is the normal functioning of emotional and intellectual abilities
Mental health disorder
Is like a physical disorder in many ways. It may have physical causes, such as as differences in a persons brain structure or the way the brain works
Standard precautions
A method of infection prevention in which all blood, body fluids, non-intact skin, and mucous membranes are treated as if they were infected with an infectious disease