Chapter 2 Flashcards
Provides students with the opportunity to share their values, life experiences, and personal concerns in a peer group
Experiential learning
The client’s unconscious shifting to the therapist of feelings, attitudes, and fantasies (both positive and negative) that are reactions to significant figures who played important roles during the client’s developmental process
Projections by therapists that distort the way they perceive and react to a client. In other words, the therapist’s reaction to the client is intensified by the therapist’s own experience
An event or a series of events that leads to strain, which can result in physical and psychological health problems
The stress generated by listening to the multiple stories of trauma that clients bring to therapy
Empathy fatigue
Being able to enter the client’s world without getting lost in that world
Empathy balance
A state of physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual depletion characterized by feelings of helplessness and hopelessness
The presence of a chronic illness or severe psychological depletion that can prevent a professional from being able to deliver effective services and often results in consistently functioning below acceptable practice standards
Positive actions that promote wellness and effective coping
A holistic approach to health over our life span
Exercise, nutrition and diet, time in nature, relationships, recreation, relaxation, stress management, religious or spiritual involvement, and service to others
Therapeutic lifestyle changes
Involves developing attitudes of caring, being nonjudgemental, being accepting, and being kind to ourselves