Chapter 2 Flashcards
Possession with de(l)
Spanish speaks show possession by using de before the noun. When using de + el Spanish speaks form the contraction del.
Possessive Adjectives
To indicate relationship or ownership use a possessive adj:
my = mi (s) mis (p) your = tu (s) tus (p) his, her, its your (f) = su (s) sus (p) our = nuestro (s) nuestros (p) nuestra (s) nuestras (p) their, your = su (s) sus (p)
to eat (verb)
comer (to eat):
I eat = Yo como You eat = tu comes You eat (f), he/she eat = Ud., el/ella come We eat = nosotros(as) comemos You (inf: Sp) eat = vosotros(as) comeis You eat, they eat = Uds., ellos(as) comen
to live (verb)
vivir (to live):
I live = Yo vivo You live = tu vives You live (f), he/she live = Ud., el/ella vive We live = nosotros(as) vivimos You (inf: Sp) live = vosotros(as) vivis You live, they live = Uds., ellos(as) viven
to open (verb)
abrir (to open):
I open = Yo abrio You open = tu abres You open (f), he/she open = Ud., el/ella abre We open = nosotros(as) abrimos You (inf: Sp) open = vosotros(as) abris You open, they open = Uds., ellos(as) abren
to learn (verb)
aprender (to learn):
I learn = Yo aprendo You learn = tu aprendes You learn (f), he/she learn = Ud., el/ella aprende We learn = nosotros(as) aprendemos You (inf: Sp) learn = vosotros(as) aprendeis You learn, they learn = Uds., ellos(as) aprenden
to attend (verb)
asistir a (to attend):
I attend = Yo asisto a You attend = tu asistes a You attend (f), he/she attend = Ud., el/ella asiste a We attend = nosotros(as) asistimos a You (inf: Sp) attend = vosotros(as) asistis a You attend, they attend = Uds., ellos(as) asisten a
to drink (verb)
beber (to drink):
I drink = Yo bebo You drink = tu bebes You drink (f), he/she drink = Ud., el/ella bebe We drink = nosotros(as) bebemos You (inf: Sp) drink = vosotros(as) bebeis You drink, they drink = Uds., ellos(as) beben
to understand (verb)
comprender (to understand):
I understand = Yo comprendo You understand = tu comprendes You understand (f), he/she understand = Ud., el/ella comprende We understand = nosotros(as) comprendemos You (inf: Sp) understand = vosotros(as) comprendeis You understand, they understand = Uds., ellos(as) comprenden
to believe (verb)
creer (to believe):
I believe = Yo creo You believe = tu crees You believe (f), he/she believe = Ud., el/ella creo We believe = nosotros(as) creemos You (inf: Sp) believe = vosotros(as) creeis You believe, they believe = Uds., ellos(as) creen
ought to; must (verb)
deber (ought to; must):
I must = Yo debo You must = tu debes You must (f), he/she must = Ud., el/ella debe We must = nosotros(as) debemos You (inf: Sp) must = vosotros(as) debeis You must, they must = Uds., ellos(as) deben
to write (verb)
escribir (to write):
I write = Yo escribo You write = tu escribies You write (f), he/she write = Ud., el/ella escribe We write = nosotros(as) escribimos You (inf: Sp) write = vosotros(as) escribis You write, they write = Uds., ellos(as) escriben
to read (verb)
leer (to read):
I read = Yo leo You read = tu lees You read (f), he/she read = Ud., el/ella lee We read = nosotros(as) leemos You (inf: Sp) read = vosotros(as) leeis You read, they read = Uds., ellos(as) leen
to receive (verb)
recibir (to receive):
I receive = Yo recibo You receive = tu recibes You receive (f), he/she receive = Ud., el/ella recibe We receive = nosotros(as) recibimos You (inf: Sp) receive = vosotros(as) recibis You receive, they receive = Uds., ellos(as) reciben
to sell (verb)
vender (to sell):
I sell = Yo vendo You sell = tu vendes You sell (f), he/she sell = Ud., el/ella vende We sell = nosotros(as) vendemos You (inf: Sp) sell = vosotros(as) vendeis You sell, they sell = Uds., ellos(as) venden
to have (verb)
tener (to have):
I have = Yo tengo You have = tu tienes You have (f), he/she have = Ud., el/ella tiene We have = nosotros(as) tenemos You (inf: Sp) have = vosotros(as) teneis You have, they have = Uds., ellos(as) tienen
to be hot
tener calor
to be jearlous
tener celos
to be successful
tener exito
to be cold
tener frio
to be hungry
tener hambre
to be afraid (of)
tener miedo (de)
to be patient
tener paciencia
to be in a hurry
tener prisa
to be right
tener razon
to be thristy
tener sed
to be tired/sleepy
tener sueno
el (la) abuelo(a)
el (la) cunado(a)
el (la) esposo(a)
el (la) hermano(a)
el (la) hijo(a)
la madre (mama)
el (la) nieto(a)
la nuera
el padra (papa)
los padres
el (la) primo(a)
el (la) sobrino(a)