Chapter 2 Flashcards
industrial revolution
transition from rural, agrarian economies to urban-based factory production
political and economic system by which wealthy and powerful states control the political and economic life of other societies
scramble for africa
rapid and disorderly colonization of africa by european powers following the 1884 berlin conference
territorial conquest, occupation, and direct control of one country by another, nearly always brought political inequality and economic exploitation
the perpetuation of exploitative economic relationships between a developed and a developing country despite the formal political independence of the latter
chartered companies
company that received monopoly commercial rights from a state ruler for the purpose of promoting trade and exploration in a specific geographic area
indirect rule
system of governance where colonial powers recognize and support legitimacy of indigenous authorities and legal systems insofar as they were subordinate and useful to the colonial state and used those authorities as intermediaries to govern the local population
all people have the right to “freely determine theri political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development”