Chapter 2 Flashcards
Anatomic Reference Systems
Terms used to describe the location of body planes, directions, and cavities.
Structures of the Body
The cells, tissues, and glands that form the body systems that work together to enable the body to function properly.
The genetic components that transfer characteristics from parents to their child.
A group of similarly specialized cells that work together to perform specific functions.
A group of specialized cells that is capable of producing secretions.
Body Systems and Related Organs
Organs are somewhat independent parts of the body that perform specific functions. Organs with related functions are organized into body systems.
The study of the nature and cause of disease that involve changes in structure and function.
before, front
lower part of body, tail
cyt/o, -cyte
end-, endo-
in, within, inside
out of, outside, away from
the science or study of
path/o, -pathy
disease, suffering, feeling, emotion
plas/i, plas/o, -plasia
development, growth, formation
behind, toward the back
-stasis, -static
control, maintenance of a constant level
abdominal cavity (ab-DOM-ih-nal)
The body cavity that contains the major organs of digestion.
adenectomy (ad-eh-NECK-toh-mee)
The surgical removal of a gland.
adenocarcinoma (ad-eh-noh-kar-sih-NOH-mah)
A malignant tumor that originates in glandular tissue.
adenoma (ad-eh-NOH-mah)
A benign tumor that arises in or resembles glandular tissue.
adenomalacia (ad-eh-noh-mah-LAY-shee-ah)
Abnormal softening of a gland.
adenosclerosis (ad-eh-noh-skleh-ROH-sis)
Abnormal hardening of a gland.
anaplasia (an-ah-PLAY-zee-ah)
A change in the structure of cells and in their orientation to each other.
anatomy (ah-NAT-oh-mee)
The study of the structures of the body.
anomaly (ah-NOM-ah-lee)
A deviation from what is regarded as normal.
anterior (an-TEER-ee-or)
Situated in front.
aplasia (ah-PLAY-zee-ah)
The defective development or congenital absence of an organ or tissue.
bloodborne transmission
The spread of a disease through contact with blood or other body fluids contaminated with blood.
caudal (KAW-dal)
Toward the lower part of the body.
cephalic (seh-FAL-ick)
Toward the head.
chromosome (KROH-moh-sohme)
A genetic structure located within the nucleus of each cell.
communicable disease (kuh-MEW-nih-kuh-bul)
Any disease transmitted from one person to another either directly or by indirect contact with contaminated objects.
congenital disorder (kon-JEN-ih-tahl)
An abnormal condition that exists at the time of birth.
cytoplasm (SIGH-toh-plazm)
The material located within the cell membrane that is not part of the nucleus.
distal (DIS-tal)
Situated farthest from the midline or beginning of a body structure.
dorsal (DOR-sal)
Back of the body or organ.