Chapter 2 Flashcards
Presumptive signs
Changed the client experiences that make them think that they might be pregnant. May be subjective or objective
•Nausea and vomiting
•Urinary frequency
•Breast changes: darkened stellar, enlarged Montgomery glands
•Quickening: slight fluttering movements if the fetus felt by the client, usually between 16 to 20 weeks of gestation
•uterine enlargement
Probable signs
Changed that make the examiner suspect a client is pregnant (primarily related to physical changes of the uterus)
•Abdominal enlargement: related to changes in uterine size, shape, and position
•Hegar’s sign: softening and compressibility of lower uterus
•Chadwick’s sign: deepened violet bluish color of cervix and vaginal mucosa
•Goodell’s sign: softening of cervical tip
•Ballottement: rebound of unengaged fetus
•Braxton Hicks contractions: false contractions that are painless, irregular and usually relieved by walking
•Positive pregnancy test
•Fetal outline: felt by examiner
Positive signs
Signs that can be explained only by pregnancy
•Fetal heart sounds
•Visualization of fetus by ultrasound
•Fetal movement palpated by an experienced examiner
Nagele’s rule
Take the first day of the clients last menstrual cycle, subtract 3 months, then add 7 days and 1 year
Measurement of fundal height
From the symphysis pubis to the top of the uterine fundus (between 18 and 30 weeks of gestation approximates the gestational age, plus or minus 2 gestational weeks) in centimeters
Number of pregnancies
•Nulligravida: a client who has never been pregnant
•Primigravida: a client in their first pregnancy
•Multigravida: a client who has had two or more pregnancies
Number of pregnancies in which the fetus or fetuses reach 20 weeks of pregnancy, not the number fetuses. Parity is not affected whether the fetus is born stillborn or alive
•Nullipara: no pregnancy beyond the stage of viability
•Primipara: has completed one pregnancy to stage of viability
Multiparty: has completed two or more pregnancies to stage viability
The point in time when an infant has the capacity to survive outside the uterus
(22 to 25 weeks are considered on the threshold of viability)
•Term births (37 weeks or more)
•Preterm births (from viability up to 37 weeks)
•Abortions/miscarriages (prior viability)
•Living children
Fetal heart tones
Are heard at a normal baseline rate of 110 to 160/min with the reassuring FHR accelerations noted, which indicates an intact fetal CNS
An increase of pigmentation on the face
Linea nigra
Dark line of pigmentation from the umbilicus extending to the pubic area
Striae gravidarum
Stretch marks most notably found on the abdomen and thighs
Cardiac output
Increases 30% to 5%
Blood volume
Increases 30% to 45% at term