Chapter 2 Flashcards
What are concepts made out of?
Concepts have two parts: a symbol (a written form or a word) and a definition.
What is the relation between a theory and concepts?
Concepts are the building blocks of a theory. Such a theoretical statement cannot be formed or tested without the help of concepts and their built-in meanings and assumptions.
What approach begins with a theory and then move towards concrete empirical evidence?
The deductive approach.
What approach begins with detailed empirical observations and move toward abstract generalisations?
The inductive approach.
What is an empirical generalisation?
An empirical generalisation is the least abstract theoretical statement and has a very narrow range. It represents a simple statement about a pattern or generalisation.
What is a middle-range theory?
Middle-range theories are slightly more abstract and they focus on specific substantive topic areas. They include multiple empirical generalisations and build a theoretical explanation.
What is a theoretical framework?
A theoretical framework (or paradigm) represents the academic environment within which a theory is formulated. They are often used for comparison among different theories.
What is a micro-level theory?
A Micro-level theory deals with small slices of time, space, or numbers of people. The concepts are usually not very abstract.
What is a meso-level theory?
A Meso-level theory links macro and micro levels and operates at an intermediate level. Theories of organisations, social movements and communities are often at this level.
What is a macro-level theory?
A Macro-level theory concerns the operation of larger aggregates such as social institutions, entire cultural systems, and whole societies. It uses more concepts that are abstract.
What is the difference between an explanation and a prediction?
An explanation has more logical power than predictions because good explanations can also predict. A prediction is a statement that something will occur. It is easier to predict than to explain.
What forms of explanation are there?
Theoretical, ordinary, causal, structural, interpretative.
What is a theoretical explanation?
Theoretical explanation is the focus of researchers as it represents a logical argument that tells why something occurs, referring to a general rule or principle.
What is an ordinary explanation?
Ordinary explanations make something clear by describing something in a way that makes it intelligible. It represents what teachers do.
What is the first type of causal explanations? -include examples
The first type relies on logic and identifying a necessary cause and/or a sufficient cause. The first represents something that must be present in order for the effect to follow (oxygen is necessary for fire). The second represents something that is enough to trigger the effect (the spark of a match is sufficient to trigger a fire).