CHAPTER 2 Flashcards
An interconnected set of beliefs, knowledge, and assumptions that relate to understanding a phenomenon
Evolutionary Psychology
Idea that the brain evolved in response to selection pressures leading to be associated with reproduction
Explains mating preferences and behaviours in terms of their adaptive functions
Sexual Selection
Features of an organism that contribute to successful reproduction are passed on to future generations
Psychological Mechanism
Many evolved preferences, capacities, responses, and strategies characterizing the human species that enable adaptation (evolutionary perspective)
Environmental of Evolutionary Adaptedness
Period of tens of thousands of years ago during which the human species took its current form
Cross-Cultural Studies
Research designed to compare and contrast behaviours, beliefs, and values across populations that vary in their culture, ethnicity, or country of origin
Attachment Theory
Theory of intimate relationships proposing that the relationships formed in adulthood are shaped by the nature of the bonds formed with primary caregivers during infancy and early childhood
Attachment Figure
A person an individual depends on as a source of comfort, care, and security
Attachment Behaviour System
A set of behaviours and reactions that helps ensure a developing child’s survival by keeping the child in close physical contact with caregivers
Felt Security
Sense of safety and protection that allows a developing child to explore the world and take risks
Working Model of Attachment
Psychological structures that represent the conscious and unconscious beliefs, expectations, and feelings people have about themselves, others, and relationships
Attachment Style
A person’s relatively stable beliefs about the likelihood of other people providing support and care when needed
What are the 4 different attachment styles?
Secure Attachment
Style of attachment that has positive views of the self and others
Preoccupied Attachment
Style of attachment that has a positive view of others but a low sense of self-worth
Dismissing Attachment
Style of attachment that has a positive view of the self and a negative view of others
Fearful Attachment
Style of attachment that has negative views of the self and others
Social Exchange Theory
Theory of intimate relationships proposing that people in all social interactions pursue their self-interest through the exchange of social goods, such as status, approval, and information
Group consisting of two people
Interdependence Theory
Version of social exchange theory that focuses on the rules predicting how partners will behave toward each other, and how they evaluate the outcomes of their actions
Concrete benefits provided by a relationship
Any consequence of being in a relationship that prevents partners from meeting their needs and desires
Material Rewards
Money, housing, food, and protection
Social Rewards
One of the benefits people derive from relationships
Companionship, validation, and security