Chapter 2 Flashcards
How does addressing a high (National) unemployment rate best relate to the concept of FEDERALISM?
In a FEDERAL system, BOTH states and the national government have economic powers that can affect the unemployment rate.
Which of the following statements about in-infancy;-federalism is correct?
Federalism was a subject of intense debate during the drafting of the constitution
Madison’s concept of double security was primarily intended to check which of the following?
The ABUSE of political power
Federalism is best described as which of the following?
Division of power between the federal and state governments
Under the articles of confederation STATES generally, felt which of the following concerning the federal government?
States enjoyed their sovereignty from the federal government
Which of the following characterizes the EVOLUTION of the balance of power between the state, local, and national governments?
The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has progressively assumed greater responsibility for DOMESTIC and ECONOMIC issues.
Which governmental institution is primarily credited with the most recent shift in the balance of power between the state and federal governments?
The supreme court
How can the most RECENT version of federalism be characterized?
Some power has shifted back to the STATES
Which type of federalism is characterized by the National and State governments working independently of each other?
Dual (separated cake layers)
Which of the following characterizes the power of the national government during the DUAL age of federalism?
Pertaining to COMMERCE, DEFENSE AND NATIONAL TRADE(limited-only-these-things-)
During the age of DUAL federalism, the SUPREME COURT limited the power of the national government through its interpretation of WHICH portion of the constitution?
The federal government became more involved in state and local matters through WHICH of the following measures?
The use of a grant in aid
The ISSUE that acted as a catalyst in the shift towards COOPERATIVE federalism was primarily of what nature?
Economic and Financial
Incentives provided by a grant in aid act as a substitute for which of the following? choose the best answer
Constitutional Authority
President Franklin D Roosevelt’s new deal legislation did which of the following?
It ushered in an era during which the powers of the federal government we’re protected by the Supreme Court
Issues causing a shift from Cooperative to COERCIVE federalism were primarily of what nature? Choose the best answer.
How did the national government ensure cooperation with its policies during the era of coarse of federalism?
By threatening to remove funding from programs
A federal policy that requires states to comply without receiving federal funds to cover the cost of the policy is an example of what?
An unfunded mandate
A federal policy that requires states to comply without receiving federal funds to cover the cost of the policy is an example of what?
Returning power to the states
A federal policy that requires states to comply–WITHOUT-receiving federal funds to cover the cost of the policy is an example of what?
The patient protection and affordable care act of 2010 contain which of the following provisions?
It mandated that all citizens must have medical insurance
Why was the healthcare reform legislation challenged in court?
Opponents of the law thought that the federal government had overstepped its authority
Modern federalism or at the system in place since the 1930s has been characterized by which of the following?
I’ll commingling going over national and state responsibilities
Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the struggle for power between the federal and state governments?
The struggle characterizes a federal system
According to the text debate over which issue cause the secession of the southern states prior to the Civil War? choose the best answer.
State sovereignty
Which president was responsible for his shift toward the modern welfare state?
Franklin Roosevelt
What must happen before the national government will provide emergency relief to state and local government’s?
State and local governments must request an approved emergency relief from the national government
Events such as the Civil War, the great depression, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks have generally resulted in which of the following?
Shift in the balance of power toward the federal government
President Johnson, according to his 1966 statement, considered the establishment of which federal agency to be an essential building block For the future of the United States?
The department of transportation
The national government withholding highway funding from states until they comply with the national laws represents an example of which of the following?
Coercive federalism
Which recent issue led to the conflict between the FCC and state lawmakers?
Net neutrality
Scientific and technological developments affect issues of federalism in which of the following ways?
They create the potential for more government oversight and new regulations
Reagan’s vision of federalism differed from most other modern presidents visions in which of the following ways?
He believed that a federal system should limit the scope of government in order to protect civil liberties
Clintons 1998 executive order on federalism reflected ideas primarily attributed to which of the following?
The federalists
Why did President Clinton suspend executive order 13083?
He received pressure from state and local government
Which of the following is considered a strength of the federal system?
It provides more opportunities for political participation
Which of the following is considered a weakness of the federal system?
It hinders universal list stick policy development and leads to budgetary inefficiency
According to the text which of the following represents a major problem with decentralization?
It results in a highly inefficient policies
According to James Madison, a tire any of the majority could be avoided in which of the following ways?
By having a diversity of views
According to the text, debate over which issue caused the sucession of the southern states prior to the Civil war?
State Sovereignty.
MuCulloch vs Maryland: Why did the federal gov. first decide to charter national banks?
MuCulloch vs Maryland: State owned banks were charging the federal gov. too much interest on loans to pay debts from the war of 1812.
Why did Maryland decide to tax the national bank?
MuCulloch vs Maryland: The US started borrowing almost exclusively from the national bank instead of state banks.