Chapter 2 Flashcards
Wrote alot about science but did not make a contribution.
Francis Bacon. with Novum Organum, part of Instauratio Magna.
Aristotle’s medieval worldview
Geocentric worldview. Superlunar and celestial, sublunary and terrestial.
Quinta essentia
Fitfth element: essence of heavens
“…” elaborated geocentrism.
Bacon’s Idols of the Tribe
Innate human jumping to conclusions
Bacon’s Idols of the Cave
Upbringing forming behavior. + love for novelty.
Bacon’s Idols of the Marketplace
Beliefs due to language.
Bacon’s Idols of the Theatre
Prejudice inclined to believe old school of thought.
Bacon was critical of “…” because it was based on bias
Syllogism ( deductive )
“…” Published on his deathbed about heliocentrism.
“…” Made multiple discoveries with a telescope(made by Hans Lippershey)
Novum Organum
True and perfect Induction
“…” Planets orbit around the sun in elliptical trajctories.
Johannes Kepler.
“…” Philosophiae Naturalis Principie Mathematica.
Newton. 3 laws of motion and law of gravitation.
“…” Used a microscope to make discoveries
Robert Hooke