chapter 2 Flashcards
Pressure Gradient in a stationary fluid
dp/dz = − γ
and p=gamma*z
The fluid is at rest so shear=0
The fluid is uncompressible (B=infinity)
Pressure variation in a stationary incompressible fluid
p 1 = γ h + p 2
Fundamentally this says that the pressure at some depth equals the initial pressure plus the weight of the column of fluid above the depth of interest.
Hydrostatic force on a plane surface
FR = γ hc A
Location of hydrostatic force on a plane surface
yR = Ixc /yc A + yc
XR = Ixyc/(ycA) + xc
Buoyant Force
FB = γ V
Pressure Gradient in Rigid Body Motion
−∂p/∂x=ρax , −∂p/∂y=ρay , −∂p∂z=γ+ρaz
Pressure Gradient in a Rigid Body Rotation
∂p/∂r=ρrω2 , ∂p/∂θ=0, ∂p/∂z=−γ
Given: po and SG
find: p2 as a function of z