Chapter 2 Flashcards
majoritarian model of democracy
- This where the ultimate power is vested in the people, not special interest groups
- allows for citizens to be entitled by law to the right to manage his or her own affairs and to fully enjoy civil rights.
pluralist model
theory tells us that politics is a contest among various interest groups to gain benefits for people who have shared interest
a political leader who attain power by appealing to the fears, prejudices and lowest instincts of ordinary people. ex; hitler and trump
this means that individuals rule by the best suited, through virtue, talent or education. rule by the upper class.
popular sovereignty
this is where the ultimate political authority rests with the people
representative democracy
form of government in which representatives, elected bu the people make and inforce laws and policies.
elite theory
an upper socioeconomic class that controls political and economic affairs. a perspective that holds that society should be ruled by a small number of people who exercise power in their own self interest
procedural democracy
assumes that the electoral process should be the core of authority. it is interested more in the process of decision making.
- universal participation: all adult citizens should have the right to participate.
- political equality: one man or woman can have only one vote
- majority rule: a basic principle asserting that the greatest number of citizens participating should select officials and determine policies.
- government responsiveness
plurality rule
the total votes cast for a candidate who receives more votes than any other candidate; but it is not necessarily a majority. elections can be won by a plurality vote
substantive democracy
this theory focuses on the context, or substance of law or a piece of legislation
other forms of government
this is where the power and authority of the government are in the hands of a single person
this is government by royalty, like a king
ruled by a few members of the elite, who generally make decisions to benefit their families.
government by a person or people claiming divine authority to rule. there is no separation of church and state
interest group
an organized group of people sharing common objectives who actively attempt to influence policy makers in all three branches of the government and at all levels
an act that refer constitutional measures to the voters for approval of disapproval. placed on ballots by state legislatures
where voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment, usually by getting the signatures of registered voters.
process allow the people to vote to remove an elected official from state office before her or his term has expired