Chapter 19 Vocab Flashcards
Acid Rain
Precipitation in which air pollutants react with water to make a weak acid that then falls from the sky.
The reflectivity of a surface.
Biogeochemical Cycle
The exchange of chemicals between living and nonliving reservoirs in the Earth System.
Carbon Sequestration
The process of extracting carbon dioxide from sources (e.g., power plants) and sending it back underground to keep it out of the atmosphere and diminish the greenhouse effect.
The average weather conditions, along with the range of conditions, of a region over a year.
An environment and its inhabitants.
Feedback Mechanism
A condition that arises when the consequence of a phenomenon influences the phenomenon itself.
General Circulation Model
A numerical calculation that simulates the flow of the atmosphere and resulting phenomena, due to changes in atmospheric temperature and other parameters.
Global Change
The transformations or modifications of both physical and biological components of the Earth System through time.
Global Climate Change
Transformations or modifications in Earth’s climate over time.
Global Cooling
A fall in the average atmospheric temperature.
Global Warming
A rise in the average atmospheric temperature.
Greenhouse Effect
The trapping of heat in the Earth’s atmosphere by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which absorb infrared radiation; somewhat analogous to the effect of glass in a greenhouse.
Greenhouse Gas
Atmospheric gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, that regulate the Earth’s atmospheric temperature by absorbing infrared radiation.
Greenhouse (hothouse) period
Relatively warm global climate leading to the rising of sea level for an interval of geologic time.
Icehouse Period
A period of time when the Earth’s temperature was cooler than it is today and ice ages could occur.
Mass - Extinction
A time when vast numbers of species abruptly vanish.
Ozon Hole
An area of the atmosphere, over polar regions, from which ozone has been depleted.
The past climate of the Earth.
Supercontinent Cycle
The process of change during which supercontinents develop and later break apart, forming pieces that may merge once again in geologic time to make yet another supercontinent.