Chapter 19 Trade Union Flashcards
Role of trade unions
negotiate with employers
provide benefits to workers
pressure governments
What do unions push for when they negotiate with employers (4)
higher wage
more fringe benefits
more job security
better working conditions
What do trade unions pressure governments about (5)
favourable legislation
push for political representation of workers
maternity/paternity righs
implementing/raising minium wage
tax breaks for low income workers
What other benefits do trade unions provide to their worker (4)
infromation/education training
legal advice/representation
better relations with employers
social opportunites
Define craft unions
represents workers with particular skill
Define general unions
represents workers with a range of skills and from a range of industries
Define industrial unions
represents all the workers in a particular industry
eg: those in the rail industry
Define white collar unions
represents particular professions
eg: pilot, teacher
Define collective bargarining
groups of people negotiate for a certain change with the employer or government
Why is collective bargaining effective (4)
impossible to blame one individual
strength in numbers, workers wiling to spea up
can threaten strikes and other forms of industrial actions
employers cannot fire a large proportion of workforce
Define industrail action
worker actions whic disrupt production in order to put pressure on employers to meet their demands
What are the 3 types of industrial actions (3)
strike action
“go slow”
“work to rule”
defie work to rule
work minimum amount required by contract
Define go slow
work deliberately slowly
Arguments trade unions can use to push for higher wages (4)
higher worker productivity (worker should be payed what they deserve)
higher firm/industry profitability(firm should give proportion of profit to workers)
comparability arguements (worker in similar occupation have a payrise)
inflation (higher prices = increased cost of living, workers have to maintain their standard of living if inflation increases)
Factors that affect the strength of trade unions (6)
time: recession/boom
whether legislations are favourable to trade unions
Level of employment in an economy
proportion of firm’s workers who are unionised
level of skill, training and education required in the job
Advantages of trade unions (3)
trade unions benefit workers
trade unions can benefit firms
-better relations with workers due to pay rise and better working condition
-increased producivity if demands are met
- lower labour turnover
Trade unions can benefit non-unionised workers (pay rise and working condition includes all workers)
Disadvantages of trade unions (4)
Firms harmed by industrial action
Industrial action can harm the wider economy
Union members may feel forced to take part in industrial action
Trade unions benefit workers at the expense of other workers (higher wages = less demand for workers, non-unionised workers harder to get jobs)