Chapter 19: Jason and the Myths of Iolcus and Calydon Flashcards
Area of northern Greece
Source of the myth of Jason and the Argonauts
Port City in Thessaly
Home of Jason
Apollonius of Rhodes
3rd century BC author of the Argonautica
His poetry reflects the Hellenistic aesthetic of minute descriptions and complicated characters
Son of Aeson, hero of the Argonautica
king of Athamas
Nearly tricked by his wife Nephele into sacrificing his son Phrixus
“one of the unluckiest men in Greek legend”
Son of Athamas nearly sacrificed by his father
Taken to Colchis on the Black Sea by a golden ram that appeared at the last moment
Daugher of Athamas
Taken away on the back of a golden ram
She fell off into a sea which thereafter is called the “Hellespont”
“sea of Helle”
So called because Helle, the daughter of Athamas, fell into this body of water after having been taken away by a golden ram
Distant town on the Black Sea
Kingdom of Aeetes, who had the golden fleece Jason seeks in the Argonautica
Mother of Pelias and Neleus by Poseidon and Aeson, the father of Jason, by Cretheus
Tyrant ruling in Colchis
King of Iolcus who imprisons his half brother Aeson and arranges to send Jason to the supposedly hopeless quest for the golden fleece
Killed by his daughters who were tricked by Medea into cutting him up into pieces
Centaur on Mount Pelion who raised Jason
Name of Jason’s Ship
Sons of the North Wind (Zetes and Calais)
Able to fly and liberate Phineus from the Harpies
King of Salmydessus and prophet
Offended Zeus by being too generous with his prophecies
His torment by the Harpies was ended by Jason and his crew
‘clashing rocks’ that barred access to the Black Sea
Cleared by the Argonauts with the help of Athena
Daughter of king Aeetes who helps Jason get the fleece
Son of Aeetes and brother of Medea
Joined in the pursuit of Jason and Medea after the fleece had been filched
He was either killed by Jason, or chopped into bits which were thrown overboard piece by piece to delay the pursuit of Aeetes
Bronze giant filled with ichor that guarded the island of Crete
Overcome by Jason who drained him of the ichor
Area in Greece to the North of the western opening of the Corinthian gulf
Main city is Calydon
Main city in the area of Aetolia, home of King Oeneus and location of the famous boar hunt
Son of Oeneus and Althaea of Calydon
Killed the boar that was ravaging his land, but violated the code of the hunt by giving its skin to Atalanta, who he wished to seduce
Eventually this brother about his death
Speedy athlete who took part in to boar hunt at Calydon
Eventually married to Melanion who overcame her in a foot race
Punished for their lusty consummation of the marriage in the precinct of Zeus by being turned into lions