Chapter 18: Oedipus and the Myths of Thebes Flashcards
Area in Greece to the NW of Attic
Its principal city of Thebes is richly productive in myth
‘sown men’
So called because they sprang from the dragons teeth sown by Cadmus
Reputed ancestors of important aristocratic clans in Thebes
mother by Zeus of Amphion and Sethus
Pursued by Nycteus her father, Lycus, her uncle
One of Antiope’s twin sons
Ruled in Thebes with his brother, Zethus
Unlike Zethus, he was devoted to music
One of Antiope’s twin sons
Ruled in Thebes with his brother, Amphion
Unlike his brother, he was a man of ranching and practical affairs
wife of Lycus
Tormented Antiope, until she herself was put to death by Antiope’s twin sons
Son of Labdacus and father of Oedipus
Tried to avert the prophecy that he would be killed by his son, but in so trying, fulfilled it
Wife of Laius and mother/wife of Oedipus
Kills herslef when she learns the truth of what has happened
Called Epicaste by Homer
‘swollen foot’
Son of Laius and Jocasta
Raised in Corinth, he returns to Thebes where he unknowingly fulfills the prophecy that he will kill his father and marry his mother
Exile from Calydon and one of the 7 leaders against Thebes
Was nearly made immortal by Athena, but Amphiaraus thwarted it
Brother of Eteocles and son of Oedipus
Died during the Argive expedition against Thebes to force his borther out
Son of Creon
Supported Antigone’s case against his father
Killed himself when he realized she was dead
One of Oedipus’s sons
Defended Thebes against a coalition of kinds led by his brother, Polynices
A daughter of Oedipus
Defied Creon’s order that the body of her brother Polynices remain uburied
Daughter of Oedipus
Is reluctant to help her sister, Antigone, to defy Creon’s order and bury their brother, Polynices
King of Argos, and sole survivor of and Argive expedition against Thebes to put Polynices on the throne
Prophet and one of the Argive leaders against Thebes
Took part event hough he knew he would die
Wife of Amphiaraus, who orders him to participate in the 7 Against Thebes campaign
Killed by her son on his father’s orders
The sons of the 7 Arigve ‘Seven Against Thebes’
Successfully attacked Thebes and ousted the king Laodamas