Chapter 19 CAIA Flash Cards - Relative Value Hedge Funds
Classic Convertible Bond Arbitrage Trade
The classic convertible bond arbitrage trade is to purchase a convertible bond that is believed to be undervalued and to hedge its risk using a short position in the underlying equity.
Moneyness is the extent to which an option is in-the-money, at-the-money, or out-of-the-money.
Busted Convertibles
Bonds with very high conversion premiums (see Equation 19.1e) are often called busted convertibles, as the embedded stock options are far out-of-the-money. These bonds behave like straight debt because when the stock option is far out-of-the-money, the convertible bond’s value is primarily derived from its coupon and principal.
Delta is the change in the value of an option (or a security with an implicit option) with respect to a change in the value of the underlying asset (i.e., it measures the sensitivity of the option price to small changes in the price of its underlying asset).
Gamma measures the rate of change in the value of delta as the price of the underlying asset changes. Gamma is near zero when an option is extremely far out-of-the-money and the delta is very small. Gamma is also near zero when an option is extremely far in-the-money and the delta is near one. Gamma tends to be largest when the option is near-the-money.
That is, theta is a cost to the buyer of the option and a benefit to the seller of the option, as the time value decays as the option approaches expiration.
A delta-neutral position is a position in which the value-weighted sum of all deltas of all positions equals zero.
Realized Volatility
Realized volatility is the actual observed volatility (i.e., the standard deviation of returns) experienced by an asset—in this case, the underlying stock.
Implied Volatility
The implied volatility of an option or an option-like position—in this case, the implied volatility of a convertible bond—is the standard deviation of returns that is viewed as being consistent with an observed market price for the option.
Short Squeeze
A short squeeze occurs when holders of short positions are compelled to purchase shares at increasing prices to cover their positions due to limited liquidity.
Complexity Premium
A complexity premium is a higher expected return offered by a security to an investor to compensate for analyzing and managing a position that requires added time and expertise.
Components of Convertible Arbitrage Returns
The components of convertible arbitrage returns include interest, dividends, rebates, and capital gains and losses.
Net Delta
The net delta of a position is the delta of long positions minus the delta of short positions.
Dynamic Delta Hedging
Dynamic delta hedging is the process of frequently adjusting positions in order to maintain a target exposure to delta, often delta neutrality.
Volatility Arbitrage
Volatility arbitrage is any strategy that attempts to earn a superior and riskless profit based on prices that explicitly depend on volatility.
Vega is a measure of the risk of a position or an asset due to changes in the volatility of a price or rate that helps determine the value of that position or asset.
Vega Risk
Vega risk is the economic dispersion caused by changes in the volatility of a price, return, or rate.
Marking to Market
Marking-to-market refers to the use of current market prices to value instruments, positions, portfolios, and even the balance sheets of firms.
Marking to Model
Marking-to-model refers to valuation based on prices generated by pricing models.
Volatility Risk
Volatility risk is dispersion in economic outcomes attributable to changes in realized or anticipated levels of volatility in a market price or rate.
Correlation Risk
Correlation risk is dispersion in economic outcomes attributable to changes in realized or anticipated levels of correlation between market prices or rates.
Tail Risk
Tail risk is the potential for very large loss exposures due to very unusual events, especially those associated with widespread market price declines.
Portfolio Insurance
Portfolio insurance is any financial method, arrangement, or program for limiting losses from large adverse price movements. Portfolio insurance can be provided through dynamic trading strategies that hedge losses, such as taking short positions in corresponding futures contracts that are adjusted in size based on market levels.
Correlations go to one
The term correlations go to one means that during periods of enormous stress, stocks and bonds with credit risk decline simultaneously and with somewhat similar magnitudes.
Classic Dispersion Trade
The classic dispersion trade is a market-neutral short correlation trade, popular among volatility arbitrage practitioners, that typically takes long positions in options listed on the equities of single companies and short positions in a related index option.
Short Correlation
Therefore, the classic dispersion trade is referred to as a short correlation trade because the trade generates profits from low levels of realized correlation and losses from high levels of realized correlation.
Fixed Income Arbitrage
Fixed-income arbitrage involves simultaneous long and short positions in fixed-income securities with the expectation that over the investment holding period, the security prices will converge toward a similar valuation standard.
Carry Trades
Carry trades attempt to earn profits from carrying or maintaining long positions in higher-yielding assets and short positions in lower-yielding assets without suffering from adverse price movements.
Interest Rate Immunization
Interest rate immunization is the process of eliminating all interest rate risk exposures.