Chapter 19 Flashcards
A significant characteristic of American politics at the national level during the late nineteenth century was the
nearly equal division of popular support for the Democratic and Republican Parties
In the late nineteenth century, which of the following groups would least likely vote Democrat?
Protestant farmers of the South
The most powerful institutions in national politics were
the president and Cabinet
Which of the following acts was passed to a considerable extent as a result of the assassination of Garfield?
the Pendleton Civil Service Act
The most significant issue in the presidential election of 1888 was
the tariff.
Which of the following pieces of legislation was stringently enforced by the federal courts?
both the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and the Interstate Commerce Act
Which piece of legislation caused significant political damage for the Republicans in the 1890 congressional elections?
the McKinley Tariff
The so-called Granger laws were designed to regulate
railroad and warehouse rates
What event caused the Grange to transform from a social and self-help association into an agency of political change?
the depression of 1873
During the 1860s and 1870s, the Grangers carried out four of the following activities. Which is the exception?
They forged a political coalition with organized labor.
What did some Alliance leaders advocate that made the organization different from the Grange?
civil service reform
One of the most important leaders of the Southern Farmers’ Alliance and People’s Party was
Tom Watson.
The Populist Party appealed primarily to which of the following constituencies?
small farmers in geographically isolated regions
The Populists in 1892 favored four of the following. Which is the exception?
the abolition of the graduated income tax
Four of the following were contributory causes of the Panic of 1893. Which is the exception?
the tax policies of the federal government on big business
In order to alleviate unemployment produced by the Panic of 1893, Jacob S. Coxey proposed
creating jobs by means of government public works programs.
The expression “Crime of ‘73” refers to the
discontinuance of silver coinage
The most important issue in the 1896 presidential campaign was
the money question
The significance of the “cross of gold” speech was that
it led to William Jennings Bryan’s Democratic presidential nomination
The issue of free coinage of silver rapidly declined in importance among farmers after 1896 partly because
farm prices began to rise.
Which of the following groups did NOT want to undo the “Crime of ‘73”?
How did the Populist Party try to maintain its independence from the Democrats in 1896?
running Tom Watson for vice-president
Which of the following does NOT characterize Manifest Destiny in the 1890s?
None of these answers is correct.
The text lists several factors that contributed directly or indirectly to the development of the new Manifest Destiny at the turn of the century. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
the experience of subjugating Indian tribes in the
Alfred Thayer Mahan was significant to the development of American imperialism through his writings on
sea power.
As a result of the naval building program begun in the 1870s, by 1900 the U.S. Navy was
the third most powerful in the world.
The Pan-American Union
served as a clearinghouse for distributing information to member nations.
Which of the following was NOT a result of increasing American influence in the Hawaiian Islands beginning in the 1830s?
Asian immigrants were prevented from residing in Hawaii.
In 1893, a revolution in Hawaii overthrew the government of Queen Liliuokalani. This revolution was instigated mainly by
American plantation interests.
Which of the following nations competed with the United States for control of the Samoan Islands?
Great Britain
The expression “yellow journalism” refers to the newspapers that emphasized
lurid and sensational news.
Which of the following newspaper publishers were accused of using “yellow journalism” in their coverage of the trouble in Cuba in the 1890s?
William Randolph Hearst
The de Lôme letter had the effect of
worsening United States-Spanish relations.
Later evidence suggested that the sinking of the Maine was actually caused by
an accident in one of the engine rooms.
Of the Americans who died in Cuba during the Spanish American War, what percent were killed in battle?
about 10%
Commodore George Dewey was noteworthy to the Spanish-American War for
sinking the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay.
American preparation and mobilization for the military operations against Cuba in 1898 may most accurately be characterized as
remarkably inefficient and incompetent.
In addition to waging military expeditions against the Spanish in Cuba and the Philippines, the United States invaded
Puerto Rico
The Treaty of Paris of 1898, which ended the Spanish-American War, provided for Spain to cede all of the following territories EXCEPT
the Philippines.
The most serious issue in the debate over ratification of the Treaty of Paris of 1898 was
the status of the Philippines
The Platt Amendment to the Cuban constitution did NOT
None of these answers is correct.
The Philippine War
became a long, vicious, and bloody guerilla war
The motive of the United States in contributing troops to the rescue of the besieged diplomats during the Boxer Rebellion was to
have a voice in the final settlement and prevent the dismemberment of China.
The reforms of Elihu Root, in the period between 1900 and 1903, were significant in
modernizing the United States Army.
Which of the following presidential candidates was known as a leading Anti-Imperialist?
William Jennings Bryan