Chapter 18: Risk Management Flashcards
Arises out of uncertainty. It can be defined as the effect of uncertain future events on a company or on the outcomes the company achieves.
Refers to the risk of losses from inadequate or failed people, systems, and internal policies and procedures, as well as from external events that are beyond the control of the company but that affect its operations.
Operational risk
Relates to the risk that a company fails to follow all applicable rules, laws, and regulations and faces sanctions as a result.
Compliance risk
The risk associated with investing that arises from the fluctuation in the value of investments.
Investment risk
The level of risk that the company is willing and able to take on. The ability to handle risk is primarily driven by the company’s financial health and depends on its level of earnings, cash flows, and equity capital.
Risk tolerance
A companys willingness to take on risk
Risk appetite
Should provide a warning when risk levels are rising. They require the collection and compilation of data from various internal and external sources.
Key risk measures
This risk response strategy involves accepting the risk and it’s effect. In some cases, the risk as well understood and taking it provides opportunities to create value. In other cases, the risk must be taken because other risk response strategies are unavailable or too costly.
This risk response strategy involves taking action to reduce the risk and it’s effect
This risk response strategy involves moving the risk and it’s effect to a third-party
This risk response strategy involves avoiding the risk and its effect by ceasing an activity
Investment firms set these to incorporate the companies overall risk tolerance and risk management strategy — for example, by specifiying the maximum amount of a risky security that can be held or the maximum aggregate exposure to one asset type or to one counterparty.
Internal risk limits
At some point, risks must be consolidated and managed at the company level, bringing together different risks into an overall risk exposure. _____ helps a company manage all its risks together in an integrated way rather than managing each risk separately.
Enterprise risk management (ERM)
Refers to situations wherein traders bypass management controls and place unauthorized trades, at times causing large losses for the companies they work for.
Rogue trading
The risk that a company fails to comply with all applicable rules, laws, and regulations.
Compliance risk
The risk that when settling a transaction, a company performs one side of the deal, such as transferring a security or money, but the counterparty does not complete its side of the deal as agreed, often because it has declared bankruptcy.
Settlement risk
The risk that an external party will sue the company for breach of contract or other violations
Legal risk
The abuse of power for private gain
The risk caused by changes in market conditions affecting prices
Market risk
The risk for a lender that a borrower fails to honor a contract and make timely payments of interest and principal
Credit risk
The risk that an asset or security cannot be bought or sold quickly without a significant concession in price
Liquidity risk
An approach to determine how risk should be allocated among different business units, portfolios, or individuals.
Risk budgeting
The risk that a government will not repay its debt because it does not have either the ability or willingness to do so
Sovereign risk
Estimating the potential loss on an investment if the forecast for the investment or security turn out to be inaccurate
Value at risk
The risk arising from the use of models is collectively known as _____. This risk is associated with inappropriate underlying assumptions, the unavailability or inaccuracy of historical data, data errors, misapplication of models.
Model risk