Chapter 18 (cont) Flashcards
personal selling, sales promo (contest), direct marking (telemarketing)
advertising, sales promos (coupons), public relations, direct marketing (catalogs)
direct marketing (mobile marketing), online (blogs, social media)
direct marketing (e-mail marketing)
most visible element of IMC, effective at creating awareness and generating interest
Public relations
“free” media attention, use of PR has grown since other media has become more expensive
Sales promotion
can be aimed at both end-user consumers or channel members, used in conj w other forms
Personal selling
some products require help of salesperson, more expensive than other forms of promo, can add lots of value
Direct marketing
growing element, includes e-mail and m-commerce, good for multicultural groups
Online marketing
website, blogs/vids, social media
Gross ratings points= reach X frequency. Reach ________ and frequency= _________.
% customers, how often
Click through rate= clicks/impressions. Clicks= _______ and impressions=
how many see it, times appeared
Return on investment (ROI)=
[(gross margin-marketing costs)/marketing costs] x 100