Chapter 17 Vocab Flashcards
an agent that decreases urine production
Anti- against
Di- complete
Uret urination
-ic pertaining to
Antidiuretic Hormone
(AN-tih-die-you-RET-ik HOR-mohn)
posterior pituitary hormone that decreases urine output by acting on the kidney; also called vasopressin
Anti- against
Di- complete
Uret urination
-ic pertaining to
Hormone Greek - to set in motion
pertaining to a gland that produces an internal or hormonal secretion
Endo- within
-crine secrete
medical specialty concerned with the production and effects of hormones
Endo- within
Crin/o secrete
-logy study of
a medical specialist in endocrinology
Endo- within
Crin/o secrete
-logist specialist
chemical formed in one tissue or organ and carried by the blood to stimulate or inhibit a function of another tissue or organ
Greek - to set in motion
pertaining to a hormone(s) or the endocrine system
Hormon chemical messenger
-al pertaining to
hormone secreted by adipose tissue
Lept thin, small
-in chemical compound
endocrine glands embedded in the back of the thyroid gland
Para- beside
Thyr an oblong shield
-oid resembling
anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
Aden/o gland
Hypo- below
Physis growth
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
(ah-DREE-noh-KOR-tih-koh-TROH-pik HOR-mohn)
hormone of the anterior pituitary that stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland to produce its own hormones
Adren/o adrenal gland
Cortic/o cortisone, cortex
-tropic stimulator
Hormone Greek - to set in motion
a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex
Cortic/o cortisone
Ster steroid
-oid resembling
pituitary hormone that stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland to secrete cortisone
Cortic/o cortisone, cortex
-tropin stimulation
another name for the pituitary gland
Hypo- below
Physis growth
posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
Neur/o nervous tissue
Hypo- below
Physis growth