Chapter 17 - Learning Flashcards
What is the definition of learning?
Relatively permanent change in organism’s behaviour as result of experience
What is the definition of memory?
Ability to recall or recognize previous experience
Mental representation of previous experience
What does a memory reflect?
Change in the brain
What is classical conditioning?
Animals learn to associate a neutral stimulus with a biologically relevant stimulus
What part of the brain is involved with freeze conditioning?
What is operant conditioning?
Animals learn that its actions have consequences
Problem solving!
How is learning displayed in operant conditioning?
Response rate and speed of task performance
What was Thorndyke’s operant task?
Cat in box - perform tasks to get out and get reward
What can a Skinner box be used for?
Classical and operant conditioning
What type of Skinner box setups can there be?
Lights, sounds, shocks, bar presses, rewards
What is the Morris Water maze?
Mouse starts at different locations and finds hidden escape platform under water
Needs to remember location of platform
What does the Morris Water maze test?
Spatial memory
How can the water maze display variation?
1) Move platform on next day
2) Platform with visual cue
With the water maze, what is observed with trial 1 and 2?
Trial 1 is slow each day but trial 2 and onward is faster on subsequent days
What is a learning set?
Understanding how problem can be solved through use of rules that can apply in variety of situations
How is the learning set applicable to the water maze?
Rat learns there is a platform and that it’s same for the day, not just the location
What is involved with landmark learning in a water maze?
Platform moved after each trial but always same relative to a local cue
What are two types of learning?
1) Explicit (Declarative)
2) Implicit (Procedural)
What does explicit learning entail?
Conscious learning
What does implicit learning entail?
Unconscious learning
How is implicit learning reflected?
In improvement in performance (e.g. pursuit rotor task/ star tracing task)
What type of learning is priming?
What is the Gollin Figure Task?
Prevent subject with progressively clearer images until they can identify the object (subsequent presentations can be identified sooner)
How do you get an animal to “tell” you what it knows?
When a rat goes to the platform in the water maze, what does this show?
Explicit knowledge of location
When a rat searches for a platform, what type of learning does this show?
Implicit knowledge of learning set
Explicit memory is encoded in what manner?
Top-down manner