Chapter 17: Governmental Accounting - Methods Flashcards
What is a special revenue fund?
Used to account for proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted/committed for specified purposes OTHER than debt service or capital projects.
What are the three basic financial statements that a governmental unit must include?
1) Government-wide financial statements
2) Fund financial statements
3) Notes to the financial statements
What is the initial encumbrance entry?
(DB) Encumbrances
(CR) Encumbrances outstanding
What are the 3 categories of fund types that can be used by a state or local government?
1) governmental (general, special revenue, debt service, capital projects, and permanent funds),
2) proprietary (internal service and enterprise funds), and
(3) fiduciary (pension and other employee benefit trust, investment trust, private-purpose trust, and custodial funds)
What does required supplementary information (RSI) of a state or local government include?
(1) Schedules
(2) Statistical data
(3) Budgetary comparison schedules
(4) other info essential to FR
What does the budgetary comparison schedules include in the RSI for state or local goverments?
(1) OG appropriated budget
(2) Final appropriated budget
(3) Actual inflows/outflows/balances
When is disclosure of significant accounting policies required for state or local government?
(1) a selection has been made from existing acceptable alternatives; (2) a policy is unique to the industry in which the government operates, even if the policy is predominantly followed in that industry; and (3) GAAP have been applied in an unusual or innovative way.
When is the blended method appropriate for component’s units?
Component’s units governing body is substantively the same as the primary government or the component unit exclusively or almost exclusively benefits the primary government
What is used to report governmental fund financial statements?
Modified accrual basis - EXPENSES are not recognized under modified accrual basis, instead EXPENDITURES.
What are the two types of proprietary funds?
Internal funds
Enterprise funds
(Remember PIE)
What is used to report proprietary and fiduciary funds?
Accrual basis
What are the two methods to present component units?
Discrete or Blended
What are the three sections for the annual comprehensive financial report for governmental units?
1) Introductory
2) Financial Section
3) Statistical section
What is the journal entry when budgets are recorded for a governmental unit?
(DB) Budgetary Account
(CR) Appropriations
When are encumbrances used?
In the governmental fund