Chapter 17: Glaciers Flashcards
A temporary line marking the elevation where winter snowfall persists throughout the summer; seasonally, the lowest elevation covered by snow during the summer
the frozen portion of earth’s waters, including ice sheets, ice caps and fields, glaciers, ice shelves, sea ice and subsurface ground ice and frozen ground (permafrost)
large mass of perennial snow and ice that typically shows movement in response to gravity
granular, partly compacted snow that is intermediate between snow and ice
masses of ice confined within a valley - originally formed by stream action
Valley glacier
a scooped-out, amphitheater-shaped basin at the head of an alpine glacier valley; an erosional landform
forms when several valley glaciers pour out of their confining valleys and coalesce at the base of a mountain rang
Piedmont glacier
a glacier that ends in the sea
tidewater glacier (aka tidal glacier)
a process in which pieces of ice break free to form floating ice masses known as icebergs
a continuous mass of unconfined ice, covering at least 50 000km2
ice sheet (Greenland and AA)
these are at the edges of ice sheets - they are permanent masses of ice that extend into the sea
ice shelves
a large, dome-shaped glacier, less extensive than an ice sheet although it buries mountain peeks and the local landscape; generally, less than 50 000km2
ice cap
the least extensive form of a glacier, with mountain ridges and peaks visible above the ice; less than an ice cap or ice sheet
ice field
openings int he ice that resemble sinkholes
where the accumulation zone ends: the ___ line
firn line
the property that will determine whether the glacier advances (grows larger) or retreats (grows smaller)
the glacier’s mass balance