Chapter 17 Flashcards
Is a great to check out the inbound and outbound TCP/IP connections on your machine. You can also use it to view packet statistics like how many packets have been sent and received, the number of errors. p647
netstat Utility
UDP is not a connection-oriented protocol and, therefore, has no connection state.T/F p650
What does the -e Switch do? p651
The -e switch displays a summary of all the packets that have been sent over the Network Interface Card (NIC) as of that instant.
What does the -a Switch do? p650
When you use the –a switch, the netstat utility displays all TCP/IP connections and all UDP connections.
What is Unicast Packets. p651
The number of packets sent from or received at this computer. To register in one of these columns, the packet must be addressed directly from one computer to another, and the computer’s address must be in either the source or destination address section of the packet.
What is Non-unicast Packets.p651
The number of non-unicast packets should be smaller than the number of unicast packets. If the number of non-unicast packets is as high or higher than that of unicast packets, too many broadcast packets are being sent over your network.
T he number of packets that were discarded by the NIC during either transmission or reception because they weren’t assembled correctly. p651
The number of errors that occurred during transmission or reception. (These numbers may indicate problems with the network card.) p651
What is Unknown Protocols. p651
T he number of received packets that the Windows networking stack couldn’t interpret. This statistic only shows up in the Received column because if the computer sent them, they wouldn’t be unknown,
What does -r Switch do? p652
You use the –r switch to display the current route table for a workstation so that you can see exactly how TCP/IP information is being routed. This will give you the same output as the route print command.
What does -s Switch do? p652
Using the –s switch displays a variety of TCP, UDP, IP, and ICMP protocol statistics. But be warned—the output you’ll get is really long, which may or may not be okay for you.
What does the -p Switch do? p652
Like the –n switch, the –p switch is a modifier that’s usually used with the –s switch to specify which protocol statistics to list in the output (IP, TCP, UDP, or ICMP).
What does the -n Switch do? p654
when you use the –n switch, the output always displays network addresses instead of their associated network names. Following is output from the netstat command used with the netstat -n command.
To display a list of all the commands you can use at the ftp command prompt, type ____ or ___ and press Enter. p656
Help or ?
What are some of the FTP commands? p656
delete send open help prompt status trace