Chapter 17 Flashcards
Cottage industry
Manufacturing with hand tools in peasants homes, grew marginally in the 1700s
Villages natural pastureland fenced into indivisible shares. Led to technical progress.
Cornelius Vermuyden
Dutch engineer specializing in land reclamation from the sea.
Why were the Dutch leaders in agriculture
Densely populated cities. Need for employment and food.
Jethro Tull
English innovator. Pushed for using horses instead of oxen, using drilling equipment (seed drill) to spread seeds, and Selective breeding.
In England, the transformation of large numbers of small peasant farms into landless rural wage earners
Dutch Land reclamation
Reclaiming land from the sea. Building enclosures of water and draining them. Introduced to England by Cornelius Vermuyden.
Putting out system
Merchants loaned or “put out” materials to peasants and in return received finished products.
Pre science rev. What % of population was producing food
Famine food
Dandelions, bark, grass
Open field system
Village jointly farmed and rotated three fields to let land rest. (Fallow field)
The gleaners
People going through already picked fields and collecting what’s left
Agricultural revolution
Crop rotation or “elimination of the fallow” better farming, more food for animals, bigger herds, more meat, better diets. More animals more manure, better crops.
Enclosure movement
Started in England. Need closed off fields for crop rotation experimentation. The poor moved off the land. Poor and nobility strongly apposed this.
Verymuyden, man made channeling in England
Bring in Dutch scientists