Chapter 17 Flashcards
Governments General Funds
Governments don’t record fixed assets or long term debt
interperiod equity
determined whether current year revenues are sufficient to pay for services provided during that year or if future tax payers will be required to assume burdens for services previously provided or deficits created in prior years.
statement No 1
Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles
fund accounting
accounting for government entities
modified accrual method
used by government entities
elements of gov. financial statements
- Assets - Resources with present service capacity that the entity presently controls.
- Liabilities - Present obligations to sacrifice resources that the entity has little or no discretion to avoid
- a deferred outflow of resources - a consumption of net assets that is applicable to a future reporting period
- deferred inflow of resources - an acquisition of net assets that is applicable to a future reporting period..
- Net position - the residual of all other elements presented in a statement of financial condition
resource flows statement elements
outflow of resources - a consumption of net assets that is applicable to the current reporting period
inflow of resources - an acquisition of net assets that is applicable to the current reporting period
focus of gov accounting
changes in current financial resources available to provide services to the public in accordance with the governmental entity’s legally adopted budget
units fiscal and accounting entities
refers to decrease in net financial resources available under the current financial resources measurement focus
government funds
- general fund
- special revenue fund
- capital project fund
- debt service funds
- permanent funds
proprietary funds
enterprise funds
internal service funds
fiduciary funds
trust fund:
1. pension and other employee benefit trust funds
2. investment trust funds
3. private purpose trust funds
agency fund:
used to account for resources the government holds, solely in a custodial capacity
permanent fund
a fund that includes resources that are legally restricted so that the entity must maintain the principal and can use only the earnings from the fund’s resources to benefit the government’s programs for all citizens
(governmental fund) general fund
accounts for all financial resources except for those accounted for in another fund. includes transactions fro general governmental services provided by the entity’s executive, legislative, and judicial operations
(governmental fund) special revenue fund
accounts for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted for specified purposes. Includes resources and expenditures for operations, such as public libraries when a separate tax is levied for support
(governmental fund) capital project fund
accounts for financial resources for the acquisition or construction of the facilities and is closed once the project is completed
(governmental fund) debt service fund
accounts for the accumulation of resources for , and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. This fund is used for servicing the government’s long term debt.
(governmental fund)permanent fund
accounts for resources that are restricted such that only earnings, but not principal, may be used in support of governmental programs that benefit the government or its citizenry
(proprietary fund) enterprise fund
accounts for operations of governmental units that charge for services provided to the general public. Includes activities financed in a manner similar to private business enterprises regarding the governing body’s intent to recover the costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis through user charges. Includes operations that will run at a profit
(proprietary fund) internal service fund
accounts for the financing of good or services provided by one governmental unit’s department or agency to other of its departments or agencies. Usually provided on a cost reimbursement basis and are only offered to governmental agencies
motor pool
(fiduciary funds) trust funds
pension trust fund - accounts for resources required to be held in trust for the members and beneficiaries of pension plans, other postemployment benefit plans, or other employee benefit plans
(fiduciary fund)investment trust funds
accounts for the external portion of investment pools reported by the sponsoring government
(fiduciary fund)private purpose trust fund
accounts for all other trust arrangements under which the fund’s resources are to be used to benefit specific individuals, private organizations, or other governments as the trust agreement specified
agency fund
accounts for assets held by a governmental unit in an agency capacity for employees or for other governmental units. An example is the city employees’ payroll withholding for health insurance premiums
reporting entity
primary government, component units(legally separate organizations for which the primary unit has financial accountability), other organizations that have a significant relationship with the primary government and need to be included in its financial statements to avoid misleading or incomplete financial representations
states that financial accountability exists if the government appoints a majority of an organization’s governing body and is able to
impose its will on the organization or
possesses a financial benefit or assumes a financial burden for the organization
government financial reporting model
has two integrated levels of financial statements:
- fund based financial statements p demonstrate fiscal accountability of the management of each fund
- government wide financial statements - a reconciled statement to go from the governmental fund to the government wide financial statements
governmental fudns
balance sheet
statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance
balance sheet
assets(financial resources available for current use; presented in order of liquidity) total assets Liabilities & Fund Balances Liabilities(due and expected to be paid from current financial resources; presented in order of due date) Fund Balances Nonspendable Spendable: Restricted Limited Assigned Unassigned Total Liabilities & Fund Balances
current financial resources management focus
asset section of the balance sheet reports only financial assets such as cash or other assets that will convert into cash in the normal course of operations over the near future, which has been determined to mean within 60 days after the reporting period end.
liabilities in government FS
only those liabilities that have become due and will require current financial resources to liquidate, such as vouchers payable or the current portion of long-term debt.
short term debt is usually debt using future taxes as collateral