Chapter 17 Flashcards


Three distinct phases in the development of the Nazi regime


1 - the legal revolution 1933-34 = when Hitler came to power 1933 he depended on political allies. He could not completely prevent SA violence, but he controlled it as much as he could. He consolidated his power by legal means
2 - Creating the new Germany 1934-37 = by Aug 1934 Nazi regime was secure but Hitler still did not have free hand. Worried out public opinion home and abroad (e.g. Berlin Olympic Games 1936. Before and during games Nazi anti semitism out under wraps while Nazi propaganda projected Germany as civilised society)
1934-37 Hitler avoided confronting powerful groups like the army or Churches. He also knew that Germany not ready for war, whatever propaganda said
3 - the radicalisation of the state 1938-39 = by end of 1937 Nazi regime far stronger than 1933. Economy had recovered. SS completely controlled police system. Hitler felt Germany militarily prepared for war. 1938-39 nazis took bold steps. Hitler took control of army, sacking its two most important commanders - Bloomberg and Fritsch

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