Chapter 17 Flashcards
Sierra Club
John Muir, a leading founder of the in 1892, went a step further, and aimed to preserve natural areas from human interference. The education efforts of the Arbor Day, Audu bon Society, and the were another sign of a growing conservation movement by 1900.
Forest Reserve Act
The Forest Reserve Act of 1891 and the Forest Management Act of 1897 with drew federal timberlands from development and regulated their use. While most “conservationists” believed in scientific management and regulated use of natural resources, “preservationists,”
Forest Management Act
The Forest Management Act of 1897 and The Forest Reserve Act of 1891 with drew federal timberlands from development and regulated their use. While most “conservationists” believed in scientific management and regulated use of natural resources, “preservationists,”
Tuskegee Institute
George Washington Carver, an African American scientist at Institute in Alabama, promoted the growing of such crops as peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans. His work played an important role in shifting southern agriculture toward a more diversified base.
Grandfather clauses
Many southern states adopted so-called clauses, which allowed a man to vote only if his had cast ballots in elections before Reconstruction.