Chapter 16 - Reproductive Cycles And Fertilisation Flashcards
What is the Ovarian Cycle? (What is involves, associated with and regulated, length)
The ovarian cycle is a series of events that take place within the ovaries.
- MATURATION of an egg and its release into uterine tube
- associated with theses events are the DEVELOPMENT of FOLLICLES in the ovary and Corpus Luteum formation
- HYPOTHALAMUS (pituary gland) secretes hormones to regulates It.
cycles length is highly variable depending on the individual and circumstances
- approximately 20-40 day
- with average of 28 days (only 30% of women experience this)-however the cycle is considered 27-28 day cycle
The Ovarian Cycle; Birth
How much? what is it called? Types of follicles and when it stopped division.
- ovaries contain 400 000 immature eggs
- formation of the eggs began before birth during FOETAL DEVELOPMENT
- Cells in the ovary undergo a number of divisions but stop dividing before any eggs are actually formed
It is called a PRIMODORIAL FOLLICLE = primary oocyte + follicular cells
- FOLLICULAR CELLS are other cells within the ovary surround each immature egg to produce a sphere composed of a single layers of cells around the developing egg (they enlarge)= PRIMARY FOLLICLE
- An egg develops in Primary follicle
The primary oocyte (in primary follicle) is in PROPHASE of the 1st meiotic division
- still diploid (2n)
- immature eggs remain in resting phase for many years
What is puberty?
When an individual matures sexually, produces mature Gametes and can reproduce via intercourse.
In females; in period referred to as puberty the menstruation cycle begins and the ovarian cycles CONTINUES.
In males; at puberty the males gametogenesis starts again and produces a continuous supply of sperm in semen.
How does the Ovarian Cycle Continue In Puberty?
At puberty some of the PRIMARY follicles undergo further development
- cells forming the of the primary follicle begin to ENLARGE AND DIVIDE; creating layers of cells around the developing egg
- secretions of these cells create a ‘fluid filled space’ that gradually forces the egg to the edge of the follicle = referred to now as SECONDARY FOLLICLE with secondary oocyte
- Many commence development in each ovarian cycle but usually only one completes development; others normally breakdown and is reabsorbed by ovary
- by this stage primary oocyte has completed 1st division of meiosis; now haploid
- as more FLUID ACCUMULATES within follicle, it continues to enlarge and gradually moves towards the SURFACE OF THE OVARY
- On reaching the surface it produces a BULGE, looks Like a swollen blister on the surface of ovary
- At this stage it is referred to as a MATURE FOLLICLE (aka GRAAFIAN FOLLICLE )
- it usually takes 10-14days for a primary follicle to develop into a mature follicle
Explain what the Ovarian Cycle does During Ovulation
Ovulation; process when the mature follicles bursts, it expels the egg (secondary oocyte)
Once ovulation occurs the open end of the uterine wall (F.T) acts like a funnel over the ovary and captures the egg because the beating Cilia within the funnel create a current that sweeps the egg into oviduct
One follicle usually matures so only one egg is released
Occasionally 2 or more follicles matures at a time releasing more than 1 egg
Egg is gradually swept down the uterine tube towards the uterus by the beating of cilia lining the inside of the tube and the peristalsis like movement of the smooth muscle in F.Tubes
What happens in the ovarian Cycle following ovulation ? Fertilisation does/doesn’t occur
Fertilisation does not occur; the ruptured follicle collapses and the blood within forms a clot
- the clot gradually absorbed by the remaining follicle cells which enlarge and change colour to from Cream-coloured body called the CORPUS LUTEUM (Latin yellow body)
- CORPUS LUTEUM excretes the hormone Progesterone which influence the development and thickening of the lining of the uterus
- if fertilisation doesn’t occur the corpus luteum reaches its MAX development about 8-10 days after ovulation
- it begins to CORPUS LUTEUM DEGENERATES into a FIBORIUS MASS OF SCAR TISSUE = CORPUS ALBICANS (Latin white body) which eventually disappears
- ANOTHER Ovarian Cycle Then BEGINS. It is a matter of chance in the same ovary or opposite one
if fertilisation does occur;
- of an egg takes place in endometrium and pregnancy follows
- produces PROGESTERONE for lining
- it reaches the peak of its development at approx 3rd month of pregnancy - after this it begins to slowly degenerate and still present in ovary at childbirth
- it usually resumes only after breastfeeding of the baby has ceased.
Summary of Ovulation
Primary follicle - secondary follicle - GRAAFIAN/ mature follicle - ovulation - corpus luteum - corpus alibcans
What is the Menstrual Cycle
Menstrual cycle; a cycle (monthly occurrence) where changes in the lining of the uterus wall (ENDOMETRIUM) are closely associated with the stages in the ovarian cycle.
Involves the uterus, and to a lesser extent the vagina.
- prepares uterus for developing embryo (If fertilisation occurs)
- directly controlled by ovarian hormones
- regulated by the sequence of events that take place in ovary
- caused by secretion of OESTROGEN AND PROGESTERONE from the ovary
- begins on the 1st day of menstruation as a period (blood sheds and exits body via vagina) lasts 2-7days and is easily detected.
Explain the Menstrual Cycle
In 1st stage of ovarian cycle (Period where follicle matures) the endometrium of the uterus THICKENS and Builds Up via the FOLLICULAR CELLS produce Oestrogen builds it up
- if the Egg is NOT FERTILISED by a sperm, the CORPUS LUTEM DEGENERATES, REDUCING PROGESTERONE influencing the buildup of the endometrium which results in its breakdown
- 14 DAYS AFTER OVULATION, blood from BROKEN DOWN-CAPILLARIES, MUCOUS SECRETIONS And CELL DEBRIS from the uterine lining are lost through the vagina = MENSTRUATION
- Menstruation takes place over several days and is commonly referred to as the MENSTRUAL PERIOD
- As this this event is most recognisable point in the menstrual cycle, the onset of menstruation is taken to be day 1 of the cycle
What is Menarche and Menopause?
Menarche; when menstruation first begins.
- marks the commencement of puberty in females
- from that time on a female will have a menstrual cycle about once a month unless it it interrupted by pregnancy
Menopause; the time when the processes that occurred at puberty are reversed
- usually between the age of 45-55
- takes place over a period of years during which time the menstrual cycle becomes irregular until eventually ceases
- typically a woman has potential of about 35 child-bearing years and in most women only 400 of initial 400 000 potential eggs reach maturity
Summary of the stages, days and events OF MENSTRUAL CYCLE
Menstruation; day 1-4; uterine bleeding, accompanied by shedding of the endometrium, and discharge via vagina
Preovulation/ Proliferative phase; day 5-12; Endometrial growth and repair begins, development of ovarian follicle, uterine lining Gradually thickens (2-3mm)
Ovulation; day 13-15; rupture of mature follicle releasing egg and endometrium continued to thicken and soften triggered by Luteinising hormone from pit gland.
Secretion; day 16-20; Secretion of watery mucus by glands of endometrium, cervix and uterine tubes, movement and breakdown of unfertilised egg, development of corpus Luteum
- further endometrium thickening (5-6mm) in response to progesterone from Corp.Lute
Premenstruation; day 21-28; degeneration of corpus luteum, deterioration of endometrium
Factors affecting menstrual cycle
- stresses
- smoking
- sickness
- excessive alcohol consumption
- dieting; extreme W. Loss and eating disorders
- regular strenuous activity (over -sport/exercise)
- medication (the pill)
- Hormone production; different amounts and length presence
What is Endometriosis?
A condition where the endometrium, the tissue lining the uterus grows outside the uterus in other parts of the body.
Most growths occur on organs in the abdominal cavity such as the ovaries, uterine tubes, and outside the of the uterus, bladder, intestines (rectum).
The growths detach and bleed at menstruation, but the blood and tissue cannot be passed to the outside .
It is estimated that 10% of women suffer from endometriosis during their reproductive years.
About 30-40% of those sufferers are infertile- one cause of infertility
Symptoms ; painful (irritation and inflammation in areas), adhesion of organs to each other, adhesion of Fallopian tube oviducts to close
Hormone Regulation
Menstrual and ovarian cycles.(+other features) of human reproductive systems depend on the Endocrine Glands for their regulation and control.
These are glands that empty their secretions called HORMONES into extracellular fluid that surrounds the cells making up the gland.
The secretion then passes into capillaries to be transported by the blood.
Hormones play an important role in the development and maintenance of body structures, processes and behaviours including those associated with reproduction.
Pituitary gland and it’s importance
One of the important endocrine glands associated with the reproductive system = Pituitary gland
It is a small organ lying in a pit in the bone below the brain and above the roof of the mouth
The hormones it secretes includes for reproductive system
When hormone enters the blood it circulates in the body until it reaches the organ on which it will have effect - TARGET ORGAN
Eg testes and ovaries
In addition to the gonadotropin hormones the pituitary glands secretes lactogenic hormone or PROLACTIN which has a direct effect on the greats of a woman, and together with other hormones it is important for the preparation and maintenance of milk production
At puberty the secretions of gonadotropic hormones stimulates a number of changes, both physical and psychological and in both males and females
- in males the production of testosterone and in females the production of oestrogen infulnces the development of the body to sexual maturity
Hormones secreted by the Pituitary Gland for reproduction includes and other hormones : females
2 hormones secreted by the pituitary gland affect the gonads and thus are Called GONADOTROPHIC or GONADOTROPINS
- Follicle - stimulating hormone (FSH) from pit gland
* in the female stimulates the development and maturation of the ovarian follicle (only 1 - determined by the one which is furthest developed)
* signals the follicle to produce its own hormone OESTROGEN. - OESTROGEN from follicle in ovary
- locally stimulates the growth of the follicle; to mature more
- will trigger pit. Gland to produce L.H as the the levels increase in blood
- build and grows the endometrium in uterus - Luteinising Hormone (LH) from Pit.Gland promotes the final maturation of the ovarian follicle; triggers it to divide again from meiosis 1 - metaphase 2
- increase L.H = ovulation and the formation of the corpus lutetium. - PROGESTERONE from corpus lutetium
- corpus lutetium also produces some Oestrogen
- gradual reduction in the production of LH as the level of progesterone in the blood increases because there is no more follicle to be matured
- maintains the endometrium; thickens and soften it
The corpus luteum is maintained by HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADTROPIN (HCG) - a hormone produced by the developing placenta in a pregnant women.
*once the placenta is itself able to secrete oestrogen and progesterone , the corpus luteum begins to degenerate
Hormones secreted by the Pituitary Gland for reproduction includes: males
The same gonadotropin hormones are secreted by the pituitary gland
- FSH stimulates the epithelial tissue of the seminiferous tubules in the tested time produce sperm
- LH stimulates cells in the testes to secrete the hormone testosterone
- Testosterone
- development of immature sperm cells into mature spermatozoa
- has a role in the maintenance of make reproductive organs
- sex drive
Negative and positive feedback
Negative feedback = occurs when one hormone decreases due to increase in the production of an other
Eg. FSH decreases due to an increase in oestrogen
Positive feedback - the increase of levels of one cause an increase in an other
Eg Oestrogen increases LH
Puberty and the development of secondary sexual characteristics
Secondary characteristics- characteristics associated with a persons Sex and appearance but not directly involved in sexual reproduction.
In females;
- Enlarging of breasts
- broadening hips
- growth of pelvic bones
- deposition of fat and other more contributes to the much more rounded contours of the female body when compared with men
- distribution of added hair (pubic hair ect)
- change in voice properties
- pubic hair progresses from thin straight light hair - thick curly dark hair
- armpit hair growth
Men also
- increase in the length of larynx with an associated lengthening of vocal chords;gradual voice deepening and may appear to break suddenly
- hair growth on chest and back
WHAT occurs during sexual intercourse? For men
For sexual intercourse
- sexual EXCITATION initiates the blood flow.
The contractions PROPEL contents of the ducts and glands into urethra and then out the body = EJACULATION
EJACULATION material consists of semen which contains sperm.
An ejaculation - expels 3ml of semen containing 250-300 million sperm and secretions from seminal vesicles, Cowper’s gland and prostate gland
- greatest contribution comes from SEMINAL VEHICLE which produces THICK FLUID containing NOURISHMENT for sperm.
- there is ALKALINE fluid in which to swim in and neutralise acidic environment of male urethra and female vagina
- contains ENZYMES to ACTIVATE SPERM once ejaculation has taken place
What is sexual intercourse?
For fertilisation to occur, male sperm needs to be brought into contact with an egg produced by the female. Sexual intercourse is responsible for this.
sexual contact between individuals involving PENETRATION, especially the INSERTION of a MAN’S ERECT PENIS INTO a woman’s VAGINA, typically Climax in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen.
What occurs during sexual intercourse? For women
When a female is sexually stimulated, erectile tissue in the region of the vaginal opening fills with blood.
*this reduces the size of the vaginal opening and tends to increase stimulation of the penis during sexual intercourse
Arousal also results in copious SECRETIONS of MUCUS by GLANDS located AROUND the CERVIX and in the region of the vaginal opening.
Theses secretions LUBRICATES the EPITHELIAL LINING of the vagina allowing easy entry for penis.
As sexual intercourse progresses the external genitalia are rhythmically stimulated and when sexual arousal reaches sufficient intensity, the female undergoes an orgasm or CLIMAX.
Female orgasm = increase in cervical mucous
Explain fertilisation. Insemination.
When the male ejaculates the sperm are released in the vagina at the entrance to the uterus. - process called INSEMINATION
Once within the vagina the SPERM TRAVELS through the CERVIX and the body of the UTERUS into UTERINE TUBES.
They reach upper portions of the uterine tubes quickly - often in minutes
The rate is fast to be due solely to the swimming motion of the sperm
It is thought that muscular contractions of the uterus and uterine tubes helps to transport sperm through the female reproductive tract.
Only a few 1000 reach uterine tube
- death rate of sperm = sperm mortality, is high and is one reason why large numbers of sperm are required for if fertilisation is to occur.
Fertilisation normally occurs in the uterine tubes when the egg is about one third of the way down the tube.
Mature egg is surrounded by a follicle layer called CORONA RADIATA - an acid which holds theses cells together
The tips of the sperm contain an enzyme capable of breaking down the acid that is holding the cells of the corona radiata.
However the amount of enzyme contained in a single sperm is ineffective as its very small. When several 1000 sperm surround the Egg there is enough enzyme to loosen the cells of the corona, allowing 1 cell sperm into egg to accomplish fertilisation.
(Another reason why large sum of sperm in needed)
The entrance of one sperm stimulates the formation of a fertilisation membrane around the egg, which prevents the entrance of any more sperm.
Once sperm has entered the egg, the tail is absorbed and head begins to move through the cytoplasm of the egg in the form of a male pronucleus.
The entrance of the sperm stimulates the egg (strictly speaking the secondary oocyte.) to complete the 2nd meiotic division.
The nucleus of the egg develops into a female pronucleus which fused the male pronucleus to from single nucleus that now has the diploid number of chromosomes.
Fertilisation is complete and the fertilised egg = ZYGOTE
Look at hormone table
Draw and understand
Look at all diagram and flow charts
Understand all
Sperm into Egg.
Mature egg surrounded by a layer of follicle cells = CORONA RADIATA
- acid holds cells together
Tips of spermatozoa contain enzyme capable of breaking down acids holding corona radiata together
- one not enough, 1000s of sperm needed
Entrance of one sperm into egg stimulates the formation of a fertilisation membrane around the egg, which prevents the entrance of any more spermatozoa.
Once sperm has entered the egg, the tail is absorbed, head begins to move through cytoplasm of the egg in the form of a MALE PRONUCLEUS
Egg is stimulated and the secondary oocyte completes the second meiotic division.
The nucleus of egg develops into FEMALE PRONUCLEUS which fuses with male pronucleus to form a single cell = diploid no. Of chromosomes.
FERTILISATION is complete and the fertilised egg is called a ZYGOTE.