Chapter 16 Part B (Karly's 15) Flashcards
How do we express the idea that more distant galaxies move away from us faster
with Hubble’s law
what is bubbles law
In principle Hubble’s Law applies to all distant Galaxies for which we can measure a
red shift
Hubble’s law is problematic for measuring distance because:
- it is astrophysics and makes my eye twitch
- based on galaxies whose speed is determined by…
- distances are only as accurate as our..
Hubble’s law is problematic because:
- it is astrophysics and makes my eye twitch
- based on galaxies whose speed is determined by expansion of the universe alone
- distances are only as accurate as our best measurement of Hubble’s constant.
Problem one of Hubble’s law means it does not work at all for
galaxies that are gravitationally bound together- like ours and the local group.
Who was the first person to publish the discovery of the expanding universe? Who else discovered it on their own and made it famous?
One of the main missions of the hubble space telescope
measure bubble’s constant
Distance chain summary: RPMCDH
- Radar Rangin
- Parallax
- Main-sequence fitting
- Cepheid variables
- Distant standards
- Hobble’s law
The Hubble Telescope helped to figure out that bubble’s constant is about…
So a galaxy that is 100 million light years away should be moving away from us at a speed between…
- 21-23km/s per million light-years.
- 2100 and 2300 km/s.
The expansion of the universe implies that is started
at a single moment in time
The idea the universe has no edges and on a large scale looks the same everywhere is the
Cosmological Principle
The rate at which the universe expands tells us
how old it is
If I say, a galaxy is 400 million light years away what I really mean is, the light…This is called?
took 400 million years to get to me.
Look Back time
We cannot see anything beyond the _______ _______ which represents the distance at which look back times equal __________
Cosmological horizon
14 billion years
A galaxy with a 13 billion year look back time in a 14 billion year universe must be…
Less than a billion years old
A galaxy with less than a billion years look back time is
13 billion years old
The most massive galaxies in the universe =________ which formed via…
central dominant galaxies / galactic cannabalism… hmmm??
Quasars produce luminositities up to…and can be up to a ___________times as luminous as the sun
1000 times that of the Milky Way