Chapter 16: Mollusca Flashcards
Phylum Mollusca
Latin - molluscus (soft)
-extremely diveresed, 90,000 living species
-very important to humans via food and industries
Mollusca Characteristics
-dorsal body wall forms pair of folds called mantle, modified to form gills/lungs, secretes shell, ventral body wall sometimes a foot
- radula in mouth
occasionally parasitic
-bilaterally symmetrical and unsegmented, triploblastic
-circular, diagonal, and longitudinal muscles
- nervous system with many large ganglia, sometimes a well developed brain
mollusc characteristics pt 2
-hihgly developed sense organs, cephalopods have highly developed direct eye
-alway sexual reproduction
- both monoecious and dioecious forms, spiral cleavage, ancestral larvae called trochophore
-one or two kidneys called metanephridia
-gaseous exchange by gills, lungs, mantle, or body wall
-open circulatory system (closed in cephalopods)
mollusc form and function
- always contains a head/foot and visceral mass
- most possess a radula, a rasping, a protrusible, tongue like organ
(as many as 250,000 teeth and new rows of tissue are continually replaced)
molluscan foot
usually for locomotion or attachment
-slimy sliding surface for snails/slugs
-muscular protuberance of bivalves
-attachment disc of limpets
-siphon of cephalopods
mantle and associated structure
mantle cavity house respiratory organs, surface functions in gas exchange
function as countercurrent exchanger of oxygen and carbon dioxide between circulatory sytem and water or air (gills)
secreted and lined by the mantle
three layers: peristracum, prismatic layer, and nacreous layer
outer organic layer
prismatic layer
middle layer of calcium carbonate embedded in a protein matrix
nacreous layer
inner layer contrinously secreted by mantle thicken though life
open circuatory system
blood bathes the organs directly
- no distinction between blood and interstitial fluid
general body fluid
OCS path
contractions of 1 or more hearts pumps hemolymph through circulatory vessels into interconnected sinuses
closed circulatory system
blood confined to vessels and is distinct from the interstitual fluid
-more efficient at transporting
CCS path
materials exchanged between smallest vessels and interstitual fluids bathing cells and between interstitial fluid cells
digestive and nervous systems
digestive system complexed and highly specialized
- usually two kidneys called metanephridia where the inner opens into coelom at a nephrostome. soemtimes function to release gametes
mollusc reproduction
Trochophore larvae very similar to annelids (sometimes in an egg)
- direct metamorphisis
-some have a unique veliger larvae stage
-cephalopods have direct development
oyster life cycle
foating fertilized egg
swimming straight hinged veliger
swimming late veliger
swimming and crawling pediveliger
spat setting and attaching to oyster shells
1-3 years male and females
giant floater mussel
male releases spem and female releases mature larvae
mature larvae encyst onto fins of fish host
metamorphosing juvenile
crawling juveniles
zebra mussel
- native to black and caspian seas, discovered in US in 1988
-cause an estimated 40 billion dollar economic impact every year in the US
Classes of Phyllum Mollusca
Class Caudofoveata
120 species marine, wormlike burrowing animals
-feed on microorganisms and detritus
-posses an oral shell and radula
Class solenogastres
250 species, like caudofoveates
-no radula and no gills
-foot is pedal groove
-feed on cnidarians